Chapter 7

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Mind Reader

The girls were sitting at a picnic table, enjoying the sun together. Chloe was busy looking around, looking for the Cullens but they weren't there.

"He's not here" Jessica tells Chloe "whenever the weather is nice, the Cullen's disappear "

Bella looks confused just like Chloe "Do they just ditch? " Bella asks Jessica

Jessica shakes her head "No, Dr and Mrs Cullen yank them out for hiking and camping " she tells them "I tried that on my parents, not even close "

"Guys, I am going to the prom with Eric. I just asked him and took control " Angela tells them smiling
"Are you sure you guys have to go to Jacksonville that weekend? " she asks the Swan cousin's

"Yep, it's been awhile since I've seen my aunt. Plus we've already bought the tickets " Chloe tells Angela

Bella nods "Oh yeah, whole family thing" she says sarcastic

"Okay, well we should go shopping before all of the good dresses get cleaned out in Port Angeles" Jessica says standing up gathering her things

"Port Angeles? Do you guys mind if we come?" Chloes asks

"Duh, I need your opinion on the dresses, both of you" Angela says and they all stand up and leave

Jess decides to be the one driving them there.


At the clothing store, both Jessica and Angela were trying on a few dresses.

Jessica was wearing a pink that showed alot of cleavage "I like this one" she says looking at herself in the mirror "It makes my boob's look good"

Angela was wearing a lavender coloured dress. She was looking at herself in the mirror also.

"So... What do you think?" Angela asks the cousin's

Chloe nods "It looks great, I like it on you" she tells her friends

Angela smiles "You think?"

"Yeah,you both look beautiful. Mike and Eric's jaws will drop when they see the both of you" Chloe tells them

"I know ,right " Jessica says smiling

Then they hear knocks on the window, they all turn and see a group of men making kissy faces at them. Chloe rolls her eyes and Bella just looks annoyed.

"Oh my god..." Angela says looking uncomfortable turning away from the window

"That's just uncomfortable " Jessica says

"That's disgusting" Bella says as she stops writting on her book

"Are you guys sure that these dresses look good on us? "Angela asks

Bella nods standing up "Yeah, we're sure. But I think Chloe is best suited in helping you guys choose your final options. I think I should go to the book store" Bella says as she was about to leave and Chloe follows her

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