Chapter 2

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Starting at a new school

It's Monday, Chloe's first day at school. She spent the whole weekend unpacking and decorating her room. She also saw her old friend Jacob and his father Billy, they came to also welcome her back home.

It was raining outside, both girls were ready for school. As they walk out of the house they see Charlie pull up in the driveway in Bella's truck. Bella walks down the front door stairs infront of Chloe ,as she's walking she slips and falls down. Both Chloe and Charlie rush to help her up.

"You alright Bell's?" Chloe asks her cousin as she helps her stand

Bella nods "Yeah ,ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated " She says as they walk towards their cars

Chloe laughed while Charlie smiled

"That's why I had new tires put on the truck, old ones were getting pretty bald" Charlie tells Bella "Chloe you'll tell me when there's something you need for your car " he tells his niece

"Thanks uncle Charlie but I'm good for now " she tells Charlie as she walks to her black BMW car

"Thanx Dad for the new tires" Bella tells Charlie

Charlie nods and say " I'll probably be late for dinner,gotta go down to Mason County. A security at the Regression Mill got killed by some animal "

Chloe turns to her uncle "Animal?" she asks thinking about what  her parents autopsy report said

"yes... Anyway I thought I would lend a hand "Charlie replied

Bella nods " Alright we'll see you later then " she says

"Be careful uncle Charlie. Please... " Chloe tells her uncle

"Always am kiddo. Have a great day at school today. Both of you" Charlie replied getting in his car and drives away


They arrived at school, Chloe parks her car and gets out. Bella walks to her,they walk together towards the school.

As they were walking towards the school entrance " That's the Cullen's " Bella tells Chloe gesturing to the 5 teenagers next to two different cars, a silver Volvo and a Jeep.

'They look really pale, paler than Bella and I ' Chloe thought as she turns and looks at them . The girl with pixie black hair waves at her smiling , Chloe being polite waves back

"Did Alice just wave at you?" Bella asked her shocked as they enter the school

Chloe nods "Yep. The girl with pixie hair just waved at me" she replied with a chuckle

Bella chuckles also and says " Weird " and they both walk to the reception so they Chloe can get her schedule. They have few classes together, most classes Chloe takes are AP

Right now they both have AP Biology class together. As they were going to class, Eric came to them and introduced himself to Chloe and then started talking to Bella about Prom.

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