Chapter 13

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The Ballet Studio

They decided to go to Phoenix because they couldn't reach Reneè, Bella called her mother but she didn't answer her phone, so they left a voicemail message. They were at a hotel now,waiting.

Chloe is sitting on a chair, bitting her nails anxiously. She was worried about Edward and the others in forks. Bella was busy pacing, also worried while Alive and Jasper were sitting on the couch, waiting for their family to call but as they were all waiting, Alice gets a vision.

"What is it? What are you seeing? " Jasper asks Alice

"The tracker... He just changed course " Alice tells them

Chloe stands up going to stand infront of the couple with Bella next to her "He must have figured it out that they were fooling him" Chloe says looking at Alice

"Where will it take him now?" Jasper asks Alice giving her a sketch pad and a pencil

Alice starts sketching "Mirrors. A room full of mirrors " she says

"Edward said that her visions aren't always accurate " Chloe says

"Alice tends to see the future in the perspective of the person, if they change their mind, the vision changes " Jasper explained

Bella looks at the sketch carefully "So... The cause of the tracker is now leading him to a ballet studio? " she asks

They all turn to her "You've been here? " Alice asks her

Bella nods her head "I took lessons as a kid. The school I went to had an arch just like that " she tells them

"Was your school here in Phoenix? " Jasper asks Bella and she nods

Chloe's phone rings making her go to the other room.

She checks her phone and sees that it's Edward who's calling her "Hey... Are you OK? Is everyone fine? " she asks him after accepting the call

"Yes I'm okay, and so are the others but we lost the tracker, Rosalie and Esme will be staying back in Forks to protect your uncle incase Victoria appears. I'm coming to get you, then you and I will go somewhere alone. Bella will stay with Alice and Jasper, she will be safe and protected. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe again " Edward tells her

"Okay, I'll see you soon then" Chloe says

"I love you " Edward says making her smile

"I love you too" Chloe tells him and then hangs up

She walked back to the lounge room where Alice, Bella and Jasper were. Bella's phone rings.

"It's my mom, Chloe come on, I'm sure she got our message " Bella says as they go to the room that Chloe went when she answered Edward's phone call "Hey mom. I'm glad you got our message. Are you home in Phoenix? " she asks Reneè on the phone as she puts it on loadspeaker

"Bella, Bella! Where are you? " Reneè says frantic on the phone

"Calm down mom, we're fine. Chloe broke up with Edward, so she needed some time out. So we decided to come here in Phoenix " Bella says but Renee doesn't say anything

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