Chapter 12

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The Baseball Game

It's been a few days since Chloe and Edward confessed their love for each other. They've been spending time together and also Chloe got Bella to finally tell her about her crush on their friend Jacob.

Chloe walks down stairs and found her uncle and Bella in the lounge room. Bella is watching TV, while Charlie is busy cleaning his weapon.

Chloe goes to the kitchen and makes a sandwich for her uncle "So... Uncle Charlie, I have something to tell you" she says as she walks into the lounge room and gives him the sandwich

Charlie takes it and starts eating it "okay, what is it kiddo? "he asks her

Chloe clears her throat awkwardly "Uhm... So I'm going on a date with Edward today" he tells her

"Oh... Isn't he alittle older than you?" Charlie asks her

Chloe shakes her head "No, of course not, he's a junior just like me uncle Charlie " she tells him "Besides I thought you approved of our relationship "

"I did... " Charlie tells her "So what time will he get here?" he asks her

"Uhm... He's outside waiting for me to invite him in, so that he can officially meet you " Chloe tells her uncle "Please be nice uncle Charlie" she says

Charlie sighs and nods "Alright, let him in" he says making her smile and kiss him on the cheek happily

Chloe opens the door for Edward "Hey" she says smiling

"Hi" Edward says smiling

"Come, my uncle's on the lounge room with Bella" Chloe says and Edward nods as they walk into the lounge room

"Chief Swan, I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen " Edward says holding his hand out to Charlie

Charlie stands up from his chair and shakes his hand "Nice to meet you Edward " he says

"Chloe won't be out too late tonight. My family and I will be playing baseball, so I asked her to come and join us" Edward tells Charlie making both him and Bella laugh

"Baseball? Chloe play baseball? well good luck with that " Charlie says

Bella snickers "Yeah... She sucks" she tells Edward

"Ha Ha Ha.... " Chloe says sarcastically "Well I don't know why you're laughing dear cousin cause you suck just as bad as me. By the way did I forget to mention that you're coming with us" she tells her cousin

Bella stops laughing and looks at her "But I thought it was just you , Edward and his family " Bella asks

Edward turns to her "My sister, Alice wanted you to come Bella" he tells her

Charlie snickers looking at Edward "Well, if you're planning on having both of them on your team, be prepared to lose son " he tells him and they both laughed

Both girls roll their eyes.

"I'll try to remember that Chief Swan " Edward tells Charlie

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