Chapter 2: Unexpected

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hope you guys love it.. 🥰

"WHAT?" Jean widened his eyes, surprised and felt that his ears had misheard the words of this tiny woman.

Pieck just sighed, trying to reach into her trouser pocket to take something that could strengthen her words and give it to Jean who was still speechless in shock.

Jean slowly took the pregnancy test in Pieck's hand.  He raised his eyebrows when he saw the line that formed the positive symbol. He tried to calm down, took a deep breath and let it out.

"Are you sure this is mine?" Jean tried to clarify.

Pieck knew that this man was going to ask that question, she sighed "Yeah... I'm sure. Because I haven't had sex with anyone for over six months and the last person I had sex with was you. I calculated the date of my last period and that night is where my fertile period." Pieck explained it calmly.

Jean slowly walked towards the sofa, with a still surprised face he threw his body onto the sofa.  Sitting with his hands still holding Pieck's pregnancy test.

Jean's brain began to process the things he heard from Pieck. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, he started to regain his composure "How many weeks has it been?" Jean cast his gaze at Pieck who was still standing, Pieck could see that he had started to calm down.

"Five or six weeks I think. I'm three weeks late."  Pieck looked at Jean who was closing his eyes and sighed.

Jean opened his eyes and looked back at Pieck who looked calm, "Then what are you going to do?"

Pieck sighed, "I won't do anything. I will keep them and raise them. I love children and I always want to have one someday."

Jean took his eyes off Pieck and looked to the pregnancy test he was holding in his hand.

"Jean, listen."  Pieck made Jean look back at her, "I'm not here to burden you. Honestly, I don't care if you don't want it but what I care about is that the father of this child should know if they exists and this child should know who the father is. Because they deserves to know,  you also deserve to know and this child has nothing to do with what happened between us."

For a few seconds, Jean didn't utter any words.  He was silent and thought.

"I think I'm done talking."  Pieck walked towards Jean's apartment door.  Before she grabbed the doorknob, Jean spoke.

"I never said I didn't want it."

Pieck turned to Jean with a frown.

Jean cast his gaze at Pieck, "Could you sit down? and we can talk about this."

Pieck just gave Jean an astonished expression.

"Please."  Jean shifted slightly to the side, giving Pieck space and gestures to sit beside him.

Pieck sighed and went to where Jean pointed.  Raising her legs, cross-legged and bringing her body to face Jean, making them sit across from each other.

Pieck just looked at Jean without saying anything.

"I'm not saying I don't want it. If you want to keep them and raise them, I'm willing to do the same."  Pieck was somewhat taken aback by what the man had said and furrowed her brows, astonished.

Pieck never thought that her greatest enemy could think and do this kind of thing. She felt like she was dealing with someone she didn't know.

Jean took a deep breath when he saw the expression Pieck was giving him, "I know what's on your mind. You can't believe I can say that, are you?"

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