Chapter 12: Real

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Chapter 12

"Babe, doctor said we can go home."

"Hmm... I want to go home."

"Yeah...let's go home."

"No... I want to go back to dad's house."

It had been three days since Pieck had been discharged from the hospital, and it had been several days she just stared out the window of her childhood room. Sitting huddled on the single sofa with both arms wrapped around herself. The image of that incident, the feeling her body felt at that moment, the image of when she couldn't feel her son's heartbeat—

Pieck clutched her own arms, trying to feel the pain of the grip, hoping she would soon wake up from the dream. Hoping what she experienced was just an illusion.

But she didn't wake up from the dream.

This is reality.

And this is very painful.

Pieck did not know, since when her tears flowed. How strong she had been when she asked Jean to take her to see their son's body. He was so small, his tiny hands clasped as if he was trying to survive.

Pieck tried to touch her son's hand which was only as big as her fingertips. How strong his will to survive.

Pieck thought, had she been more careful, her son wouldn't have lost his life. If only she could protect him better, Jean wouldn't be so devastated as he is now. If only-

But this is reality.

"I want him to be burry."

"Yes..." Jean only answered briefly at that.

It hurts when you lose someone you love so much. And, it hurts so much to see the person you love so sad and broken.

Pieck didn't want to go back to their house, and Jean understood that very well. Sometimes he would sleep hugging Pieck, sometimes he would just sit on the sofa and watch Pieck sleeping.

Not only once, since they lost their son, Pieck has had nightmares. Crying when she sleeps even sometimes she will groan in pain. Jean always woke her up and held her close, comforting her until she fell asleep again.

Jean returned to work the third day after Pieck was discharged from the hospital. He would take the time to go to their house to get some clothes. His father-in-law decided to work from home and not return to Singapore for some time until Pieck stabilized. His mother always went there to accompany Pieck. They are so lucky to have a father and mother who are always with them.

"How is her condition?"  it was unusual for Annie to sit with Jean and Connie.

"She's . . . not fine. Sometimes she'll wake up in the middle of the night, crying." Jean rubbed his face with both hands.

Connie gave his best friend a good look, "And . . . how are you?"

Jean smiled sadly, "You can see."  he knew how he looked himself, so sad and he felt that half his soul had been lost. "Losing someone I love is painful and I've felt it before. But seeing Pieck like that, it breaks my heart. I'll be fine if she's fine too. I'll be happy if she's happy too."

Annie sighed, "I'll go to see her."

"Really, Annie?"  Connie prevented her from getting up from her chair, "You can't."

"Why? she's my best friend."

"She's still grieving. What would you do if you saw her." Connie took a deep breath, "You can even tell what she's like by looking at this guy." he stretched his arms out towards Jean. "We can't do anything and you know it."

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