Chapter 7: Hormone

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Congrats for Ethanburger who got right answer for the title of Chapter 7..
And Thank you for all of you who's participating on this game..
This is for all of you..
Hope you like it..
8.8K words for you

16th week of pregnancy

"Hi.. dad .." Pieck woke up to the sound of her cell phone ringing.

"Hi.. did I wake you up."

"No, actually I was awake it's just that I fell asleep again." Pieck glanced at the clock on her bedside table. Saturday, 9.42 a.m. 'Hmm... I slept for 2 hours.'

"I wants to have dinner with both of you. Could you come this afternoon. I haven't seen both of you in a long time."

"Of course, You hasn't been home for a month. Yes... we'll be there this afternoon."

"Oke see you."

"Yup... See you later."

Pieck hung up the phone, the last time she saw her father was about a month ago. Now her father rarely comes home and prefers to stay longer in Singapore because of his work. He also told Pieck that his father didn't have to worry about her now because Jean was taking care of her.

Jean and her father also became close, they began to talk and discuss many things including sports. And when her father found out that Jean used to go fishing a lot, her father wanted to take Jean to go fishing if the work could be more strained and Jean agreed.

Pieck got up from her bed and came out of her room, she could see that Jean's door was open.  She opened Jean's room a little and peeked at it, the room was empty that meant Jean was awake.

She stepped through the living room and did not find that man there. Pieck felt the house so quiet, "Jean..." Pieck tried to call him, she thought maybe that man was upstairs or in the kitchen but there's no answer.

"Did he leave?" Jean never leaves without leaving a message. He always told Pieck if he would going somewhere or he'll going to leave a note pasted on the TV screen. But this time there's no note, Pieck tried to step to the front door "Hmm... the car is there."  she still saw Jean's car parked in front of the garage.

Pieck frowned and walked back to the kitchen, from a distance she saw no one there. She kept walking towards the kitchen window above the sink, maybe he was in the backyard. And yes, Jean was there...

"Oh.. shit..." Pieck was startled, her eyes wide open and her mouth open. She saw Jean in the backyard mowing the grass wearing only black sweatpants without a T-shirt and exposing his beautifully engraved upper body. Under the sunlight she could see the beads of water popping up on his skin, his muscles and blood vessels protruding against his skin.

"Damn..." Pieck cursed again, she felt her whole body start to heat up, frowning and biting her lower lip. This wasn't the first time Pieck had felt her whole body heat up and react like this.

Since entering the 15th week, Pieck often feels her whole body heat up, hot and even dizzy when she is close to Jean. She had even tried to smell Jean's clothes in the laundry basket, but Pieck quickly regained her senses and threw them back into the basket.

But this time is different, she felt, she couldn't control herself. She felt something she hadn't felt in a long time since her pregnancy.

Pieck felt dizzy and hot, she tried to lean on the edge of the sink. But when she tried to reach the edge of the sink, her finger accidentally touched the spoon that was on the edge of the sink and made a fairly loud sound.

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