Chapter 15: Future

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Last chapter...
First of all, thank you very much to my readers who are patiently waiting for this fic update... Honestly, every comment and vote you give means a lot to me and makes me keep writing this fic until it's finished..

For my gratitude, I will be posting a bonus prequel chapter or you could say Chapter 0 of this fic... and you can read it after chapter 15..

Happy reading

"Today everyone will say, Armin is a lucky man..."

Jean was standing in the doorway of the hotel bathroom looking at Pieck who was standing in front of the mirror, wearing a mint-colored low-neck maxi dress with floral print, criss-crossed back straps, two-tiered maxi ruffles skirt and hair tied in a high ponytail makes her neck exposed.

Pieck smirked at Jean's words, she knew the words he spoke were still incomplete "But?"

Jean approached Pieck who was applying lipstick, stood behind her and hugged her. "But..." He put his face to her neck and whispered, "Every day, I am the luckiest man in the world." He kissed Pieck's neck.

The woman chuckled, "Every man would say that to their partner."

Jean pulled his face back "But I'm the luckiest..." he turned Pieck around and made her face him "Because I'm with you, my world."

Jean lowered his body again and kissed Pieck's neck, the woman just laughed, "Nice flirt, but..." she pushed Jean which made him break the kiss on the neck, "Not now."

"Why?" Jean didn't accept that Pieck pushed him away.

"You're going to ruin my makeup."

Jean smirked, "You can fix it again." and was about to bring his face closer but Pieck put her palm on Jean's face and stopped him.

"No... We'll be late."

"No, the wedding venue is only in the courtyard of this hotel." Jean still insisted on kissing Pieck.

"The ceremony is on the beach not in the courtyard."

"The beach is only a few feet from it."

"But I have to meet Annie first."

Jean gave up, "Give me a kiss, just once."

Pieck narrowed her eyes, "No... you're going to remove my lipstick."

Jean took a deep breath and let go of Pieck, he turned his face and mumbled "My wife is so mean, she didn't even give me a kiss. How can I stand it with an open back dress and hair tied like that." he pouted.

Pieck just watched him and tried to hold back her laughter, "Stop frowning, come here."

The man stopped frowning and turned his face to Pieck enthusiastically.

"Just one kiss and don't ruin my makeup."

"We will see later." Jean said with a grin, picked up Pieck and sat her down on the dressing table.

"Oh my..." Pieck seemed to have made the wrong decision.

Pieck was running late to meet Annie. Because of Jean, she had to tidy up her make-up, her hair and also her clothes.

"I thought you weren't going to see me first." Annie was sitting by the window, she was already in her dress and holding a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

Pieck smiled when she saw her, "Wow... you're wearing a dress."

Annie smiled, "You've seen me in a dress before."

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