Chapter 8: Trust

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18th week of pregnancy

It had been two weeks since that kiss, every day they would sit on the living room's couch and hug each other. Pieck leaned on Jean's side, Jean wrapped his arms around her back and put his hand on Pieck's belly, caressed her. Pieck would caress his goatee and Jean stroked her black hair with their eyes focused on the TV screen.

One day Pieck commented...

"Your goatee is getting long." she said that without looking up from the TV screen.

"I'm going to shave it."

"Hmm... don't too clean, okay?"


And in the morning...

"I shaved." Jean entered the kitchen and showed it to Pieck.

Pieck who was facing the stove immediately turned and walked towards Jean, "Really?"

"Hmm... looks like there's a little left. Is it too clean?" Jean bowed slightly.

Pieck touched Jean's chin and jaw, stroked it "Hmm... this is okay.. I like it."

"You like it...?" asked Jean to confirm.

Pieck lowered her hand and walked back to the stove, turning her head for a moment. "Yeah.. I like it." smiling at Jean.

"That's great." Jean was happy about that and Pieck just chuckled.

Jean didn't say anything or refuse anything, for some reason he could only obey Pieck's wish even though it wasn't a big deal.

There was a time when Jean heard Pieck hiss and grab her waist while she was just sitting on the couch.

"Are you okay?" asked Jean.

" waist is starting to hurt and look..." Pieck pointed at her feet, "my legs are starting to swell."

Jean looked at Pieck's feet, "Hmm.. wait."  suddenly he stood up, walked to his room and took some pillows and placed them against the arm of the sofa.

"Lean here."  He asked Pieck to lean on the pillows and support her waist, making Pieck sitting sideways.

Jean sat not far from her, lifted Pieck's leg and placed it on his thigh, massaging Pieck's swollen leg.

"How about this?"  Jean turned to Pieck and found the woman looking at him warmly with a smile on her face.

"This is better."

Jean smiled, "that's great."

Sometimes they just relax while chatting or watching a movie, Pieck will talk about her past, such as the time when she was with her mother or when she couldn't get away from playing mario bros on her Nintendo console game with Powerpuff Girls sticker on it.

"At first I tried to play it so I wouldn't always remember my mom, but I just couldn't get out of the game."

"How long have you been playing it for?"  Jean asked with a frown on his forehead.

"I started playing it when I was 9 years old..." Pieck thought for a moment, "... I think months, almost a year. Dad was annoyed with me, because I prefer to play the game than doing other activities or even  interact with people."

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