Chapter 13: Love

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Happy first anniversary Jeanpiku fandom...

Happy reading..

"What happened?"

Jean heard his mother's voice from across the phone, without any explanation Jean already knew what his mother meant.

"Nothing happens."

"Nothing happened? Then why for the past two days you just came, kissed her forehead and walked away. You didn't even stay overnight, you were never far from her unless you went to work."  His mother sighed, "I know you're back at your house."

It had been two days since Pieck had said those things. At that time, Jean didn't know where to go so he just returned to their home. It wasn't that Jean kept his distance, he just wanted Pieck to think more carefully.

Jean had thought of this too, if Pieck really wanted that, he wouldn't get in the way. He tells her no matter what happens he won't let her go. But, when Jean lost his father, his mother said 'When you love someone, it means you also learn to let them go.' Jean wanted to be selfish, but if Pieck wasn't happy with him, he couldn't force it. If Pieck want him to let her go, he will grant it because he really love her.

Jean just sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. He was at a loss for what to say, he didn't want his mother and his father in law to worry but he couldn't tell what really happened.

"Anthony and I know something wrong has happened between the two of you. What's wrong?"  Irine's tone turned soft.

"I really wanted to tell you, mom. But I don't know how." Jean lay on the couch, answering his mother's question with his eyes closed. Pieck's words were still ringing in his ears and to be honest, it made Jean angry. Angry that what Pieck said was a lie.

There was a moment of silence, and Jean could hear the sound of his mother's breathing. "Jean... I know, I really shouldn't interfere in your problems. But, you can say anything to mom or ask anything. I know what happened is very difficult, but I'm sure you two can get through it. I love you both."

Jean was very understanding of his mother's concern and he felt guilty about it. Thinking about  mistake, Jean suddenly remembered something "Mom... I'm sorry..."


"I'm sorry that I ever lied to you."

Jean didn't hear anything for a moment.

"Hmm... It's okay I understand. And... I already knew."

Wait, Jean thinks this is weird. His mother should have asked him what he was apologizing for.  But why his mother only respond like that.  'Already know'?  wait... what does his mother already know?

"Okay then, ... I will hang up the phone. I will still accompany Pieck tomorrow, you should get rest..."

"Wait... Mom-"

tuttt-- tuttt---

The phone has been cut off. Jean just sighed, he felt something was off. Did his mother know what Jean meant?

What does 'already know' mean?

Was she doing the right thing?

Is it better like this?

That question always popped up in Pieck's mind, she knew that nothing was right. But she didn't want to hurt Jean again, even though she just already hurt him.

Pieck took a deep breath. It wasn't easy, but trying to push Jean away from her was also impossible because Pieck knew if he really meant it, he would never let her go.

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