Chapter 5: Family

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content: pregnancy fluff

11th week of pregnancy

Pieck put the kettle on the stove and turned it on, these few days Pieck felt unusual, when she came out of her bedroom in the morning she always saw Jean who got up first even on weekends, but not this time. At first she thought, maybe Jean was too tired from work but it wasn't.

A few minutes later, Pieck heard the sound of the door opening and it wasn't long before she saw Jean entering the kitchen and sitting on the kitchen island with a computer in his hand. She could see him sluggish and sleepy, "Are you okay?"

Jean nodded weakly, "Yeah..."

"Coffee or tea?"  Pieck offered Jean the option.

"Coffee, please..." Jean looked at Pieck for a moment and opened his computer.

Pieck turned off the stove and poured hot water into her glass to brew tea. After Pieck turned on the coffee maker, she went to the refrigerator. When Pieck open it for a few seconds, she heard a voice coming from Jean's direction and turned to him.

"Hueeeekkk..." Suddenly Jean's nausea reflex came.

Pieck chuckled and closed the fridge, "Are you all right? I just opened the fridge, I didn't get any meat or fish out in front of your nose."

"Ughh.. this sensitivity is getting worse."  Jean groaned with the nausea he felt.

Jean felt it had been almost a week, precisely after their wedding. When they went to the doctor for a pregnancy checkup, Pieck asked if what Jean felt had something to do with her pregnancy?  Because since Jean has been sensitive to smells that make him feel nauseous and even dizzy, Pieck's morning sickness has started to lessen.

Doctors said that Jean had couvade syndrome or "sympathetic pregnancy" syndrome, a condition in which a father-to-be or other parent experiences some of the same symptoms and behaviors as their pregnant partner such as nausea, vomiting, back pain, dizziness and even cravings. This happens because of the extreme empathy felt by the expectant fathers towards their pregnant partner and indirectly there is an emotional bond that exists between the father and the baby-to-be. The doctor also said that what Jean experienced would end soon when Pieck's pregnancy entered the second trimester or even when the baby will be born later.

Pieck never thought that Jean would experience this, was he so worried about the role change he would undergo?  or is he just empathizing toward Pieck?

"This... I think you need it more than I do."  Pieck pushed her cup of ginger tea in her hand, "Don't drink coffee."  Pieck put her arms on the kitchen island which supported her body and was not far from Jean.

Jean didn't say anything, he took the glass and drank the contents, "You... don't drink coffee."  he was worried, because he who drank her tea would actually make Pieck drink Jean's coffee.

Pieck just chuckled when she saw the look on Jean's face that looked uncomfortable, "no, I won't drink it."

Before Pieck left her place, she subconsciously stretched her arms towards Jean and ran her fingers through Jean's hair who covering his eyes, combing them back so that the strands of his hair didn't cover his eyes anymore.

When Pieck had moved from her place, Jean realized what that little woman was doing. He paused a bit, blinked a few times and looked at Pieck's back who was turning off the coffee machine. Jean felt a strange but sweet tingling feeling in his chest.

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