Chapter 6: Happy

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14th week of pregnancy

Jean woke up on Saturday morning still feeling tired. His syndrome is getting better but he still feels nauseous and tired. He came out of his room towards the kitchen, from afar he could see the tiny black haired woman was already there. Ever since he had this syndrome, Pieck has always been the first to wake up than he was.

"Hi.. morning..." Jean greeted her, which made her turn her head towards him.

"Morning..." Pieck smiled as she watched him walk towards the kitchen island.  "Coffee?"  Pieck offered it.

"Yes..." Jean answered her gently with a smile.

Jean could see the woman starting to move around, preparing the coffee he asked for. He watched her carefully, Jean's eyes couldn't take off from Pieck's movement. For some reason Jean felt that Pieck looked different, she looked so bright, her skin was so clean, her black hair glistened beautifully, he could see the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her pink lips.

'does she wear makeup?' Jean had thought so, but he felt that Pieck never wore makeup at home or even out of the house. Jean had only ever seen her wear makeup at work and at their wedding, and even then it was only light makeup.

Jean furrowed his brow slightly, 'Is this what is called a pregnancy glow?'  Jean often read articles about pregnancy on his cell phone, he also felt the need to know if Pieck needed his help.

Unbeknownst to Jean he was smiling gently and his eyes were still on Pieck who was now moving to take the cup, 'She's so beautiful.'  Jean didn't even realize that those words came to his mind.

Pieck turned to Jean who was still smiling at her, "What are you doing?"  Pieck frowned, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jean realized, "Uhmmm.. no, nothing."  still with that gentle smile.

Pieck chuckled, "You weird."  and smile.

'Oh my god... that smile.'  Jean gasped, amazed when he saw Pieck's smile so bright.

Pieck walked to the coffee maker and poured Jean's coffee "I think we should go shopping, we're running out of stock." Pieck walked to Jean's side and placed the coffee in front of him.

Jean took the cup "How about in the afternoon? at 11 o'clock I'll go meet Connie and the others at Sasha's boyfriend restaurant, I'll be back at noon around 2 pm and after that we can go. Is that okay?" he sipped his coffee.

Jean could see that Pieck was thinking, "Hmm... It's okay."  Pieck nodded in agreement with his plan.

"Or... how about you come along? We can go straight after that." Jean looked at Pieck who is beside him.

Pieck shook her head, "No... I'll just wait at home, just go... I think you haven't spent time with them in a long time."  She gave a sweet smile to Jean.

Jean raised the corners of his lips and nodded, "Okay... I'll be back around 2pm."

Pieck just nodded, turned and walked away from Jean's side. For a moment Jean could smell Pieck's soft and fresh scent which brought his attention back to Pieck's movements, staring at her and not taking his eyes off her.

Jean could see that Pieck's belly had started to appear, he also often saw her stroking her belly and she was no longer experiencing morning sickness.

He remembers when they visited the doctor last week who said if the baby's body had started to develop, the legs would grow longer, the arms would also catch up with the growth, so that the fetus' body would be more proportionate.

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