Chapter 3: Parents

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thank you for waiting..
I hope you like it... more than 5.5k words for all of you 😘😘😘

Jean was getting ready to go to work when his cell phone rang. He was planning to go to Pieck's apartment before leaving for the office, Jean thought there was no way he would let Pieck go alone by bus. It had been a few days since he had found out about the news of Pieck's pregnancy, since then they had started trying to understand each other and Pieck was getting used to the help Jean always gave her.

He moved from the mirror to the bed, where his cell phone lay. He saw the name on the screen of his cellphone which made him not hesitate to pick it up.

"Hello, Pieck..."

"Hi... I want to say something. It might be very sudden but..." Jean could hear the tiny woman's voice hesitated a little.

"What's wrong?" Jean was worried by Pieck's tone.

"My dad called me, he asked me out for dinner today and I said . . . I'll bring you."

"Hmm... Okay... this is sudden, but we really have to tell our parents right away."

"Yeah... I know that, at least we'd better tell them about this right away. Oh yeah, you didn't have to pick me up because I couldn't go to work today and I already called the office for that."

"What? ar..are you okay?" Jean felt his chest thump, worried about what had happened to her.

"I'm fine. I just can't get out of bed."

"Are you really all right. I'll be there."

"No. I'm fine, really. It's just morning sickness, I think in noon I can get out of bed and... I don't want to get out of bed just to open the door for you. It's okay, really. You can go." Jean is still worried but with Pieck's stubbornness sometimes he can also give up.

Jean sighed, "Okay. Make sure you eat something, okay? After I finish work, I'll pick you up."

"Okay, I understand. Bye.."

"Bye.." Jean could hear Pieck hanging up the phone.

He took a deep breath, actually he still had a little time before leaving for work. However, since Pieck doesn't want to be visited, maybe he will relax for a while.

"This is your house?"

Jean stopped the car right in front of the gate which was quite high, he could see from afar a large modern European-style house was behind the fence. He was still staring in surprise at the house.

"No, this is my father's house." Pieck replied casually.

"Babe... you didn't tell me you were rich." Jean turned to Pieck.

"Honey... my dad who were rich. Not me." Pieck replied with a mocking smile.

They smiled mockingly at each other for a few seconds.

"ughhhh.." they both snorted and looked away from each other.

"press the bell." Pieck pointed to the side of Jean's steering wheel, causing Jean to turn and see a button and a mini speaker.

Jean pressed the button and for a while they finally heard someone's voice over the loudspeaker.

"Welcome to the Finger Family home. Can I help you?" they could hear the voice of a gentle and polite man.

"Emilio... It's me, please open the gate." Pieck leaned slightly towards Jean, to answer the voice next to Jean.

"Very well, Miss Pieck. Welcome,"

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