Chapter 9: Stay

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I'm back...
Hope you like it...
8.2K words for you

No one started the conversation.

When Pieck introduced Porco and Jean to each other, they just shook hands, got acquainted, Porco congratulated them and left. Jean told Pieck that the items they ordered would be delivered in a few days.

While on the way home, they just silence. Jean didn't ask anything about what Pieck and his ex were talking about.

Pieck subconsciously started to play with her mother-in-law's necklace that was around her neck. She was lost in her own thoughts, she felt restless.

Should she tell Jean about what just happened?  Does Jean want to know?  Is he... angry?

Until they got home, Jean was just talking casually like... he was going to cook dinner or he was going to take a shower. Even at dinner, they were silent.

Akkhh.. Pieck felt angry, she felt very uncomfortable with this situation. She never thought that something like this would happen, she didn't expect that the man she had forgotten about, would come looking for her.

When Pieck was already sitting on the bench in front of the furniture shop, she smiled at Jean who was far in front of her, she watched him until the man disappeared deeper into the shop area.

Pieck tightened the long black coat she was wearing, until...


She turned her head to the right, to the source of the voice calling out to her and was… startled.  Someone she didn't expect to come back to her life and was standing not far from her, was looking at her with the same surprised expression. Pieck just remained sitting on the bench.

"Porco..." Pieck said his name in a trembling voice.  "What are you doing here?"

When Pieck asked that question and saw the look on his face, she thought that Porco didn't expect to meet her here either, didn't know about what happened and also about her marriage.  But... could it be that he already knew?

Pieck could see the expression on the man's face had turned calm, Pieck hadn't seen his hazel eyes in a long time, his stern expression and his blond hair. He still looked the same as the last time Pieck had seen him.

Pieck didn't argue if she missed this man.

Porco sighed, still standing in his position with a paper cup in his hand "I wanted to meet you. I wanted to call you but I thought I'd better go to your apartment and... you weren't there."

Pieck took her eyes off the man for a moment, she found this a bit funny. After what had happened between them, the memories, their stubbornness, the fights and the breakup, now he came and said he wanted to see Pieck.

Pieck smiled wryly, "Why? I thought you really liked being in London and you came all the way here just to see me?"

"Yeah..." the man looked at Pieck from where he was standing, "I heard you moved."

Pieck nodded, "Yeah... how do you know?"

"I asked Annie . . . and she didn't want to explain anything to me, she just said you had moved."


"I... tried asking Reiner, even though I don't have a good relationship with him."

"What did he say?"

"You... got married a few months ago. Is that true?"

Pieck clasped her own left hand, looked at the ring on her finger and nodded slowly. She turned to the man again, showing her left hand which was wrapped around the gold leaf carved ring on her ring finger and the fake engagement ring still on her middle finger.

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