Chapter 0 (Prequel): Olive Branch

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That night...

Pieck sits at the bar alone in a nightclub. She didn't come alone, she came with her other office mates, they celebrated the success of a project that herself was part of the team. But she was annoyed that it was not her idea that was used but her rival's. She was pleased with the success, but...

Pieck sighed loudly, twirling the contents of her glass, she thought about going home. If it weren't for her friends, she would have already refused this invitation.

"Isn't it very lonely sitting here alone?" Pieck knew that voice very well, the voice of someone who often irritated her.

"Is it already the time to mocking me?" Pieck turned to the side and found Jean Kirstein, the person she least wanted to sit next to her.

"I'm not mocking you. I'm just teasing you." Jean said that with a smirk on his lips.

Pieck was irritated, "Can you find another victim?"

"You're the only victim I have."

Pieck looked annoyed at the man who was sitting beside her, "Ugh..." and stood up from her seat.

"Wait... where are you going?" Jean stopped her from leaving.

"Stay away from you... Can you leave me alone?... You always give me a headache."

"Oh come on... We made it this time and finally we can work well together. Can you calm down and sit back even if it's only for a moment?"

Still annoyed, Pieck sat back down.

"Calm down, don't be so upset, you're a part of the project too. Although mostly thanks to me."

Pieck stared in disbelief at Jean who was still wearing a mischievous look. She felt like want to  throwing a nearby glass in that face.

"You really suck." Pieck stood again from her seat.

"Oi...wait,wait,wait.." Jean grabbed Pieck's arm and asked her to sit back down, Pieck complied "I didn't mean to mocking you."

"You just did."  Pieck sighed in annoyance, "What do you want, Kirstein?"

Jean let go of Pieck's arm, "I just want to be friends with you."

Pieck laughed sarcastically, "What?" she couldn't believe what the man was saying, she felt that he just wanted to prank her. "Do you want to prank me?"

"Oh come on...aren't you tired of everything that happened between us?" Jean frustratedly gave Pieck a logical reason, they had known each other for almost three years. Because their enthusiasm for work makes them always arguing, competing with each other over who can take over and complete projects to perfection.

They don't know when it started, Jean often teased and mocked Pieck, as well as Pieck who did the same to him. So long competing with each other makes them both know what their characters are like each other.

"Honestly..." Jean continued, "I'm tired of us always making fun of each other, every time you glare at me I feel like you want to kill me."

"I'm glaring at you because you're annoying, arrogant, overconfident. It pisses me off."

"Oh really.. I thought you hated me because I was better than you."

Jean said casually and it really irritated Pieck. For the third time she rose from her seat.

"Sorry, sorry..." Jean stopped her again "Sorry, I didn't mean to say it. Please sit down... I promise I won't do it again."

Pieck just gave him a death stare.

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