Chapter 4: Wedding

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thank you for waiting.. and for the next chapter, i don't know when I will post it, because i nedd to dealing with life first..

enjoy.. i hope you love it

7th week of pregnancy

"Are you serious?" Connie threw the question as he and Jean went out for lunch. "Both of you getting married? I mean really getting married?"

Jean just took a deep breath at the barrage of questions his best friend gave him.

"I still can't believe it. No, not me... but WE still don't believe it. Even Marco and Sasha, who never met Pieck before, don't believe your story. Your various kinds of argument fights, all the drama of your rivalry and I... as a witness to these things makes them doubt your statement to marry her."

Jean had indeed told his two other friends about him and Pieck never getting along. Marco and Sasha didn't work at the same place as Jean and Connie, so they never met Pieck or knew her.  When Jean told them all about this they just stared at him in disbelief, even Sasha stopped chewing her food, Connie who choked on his drink and Marco who asked 'did you hit something on your head?'.  They don't believe it.

Jean just sighed, again.

"Can you say something? and not just sigh."  Connie was still looking at him in disbelief.

"What should I say? I already told you." Jean keeps trying to get his best friend to believe in him.

"No... we felt something strange. Something happened, right?"

"Yeah. Something happened between us, we went on dates, dating, sex, I proposed to her and we decided to have child." Jean retells the story he made up with Pieck. Even though it didn't really matter if they told their best friend the truth, but they both agreed not to tell anyone about what happened that night.

Now it was Connie's turn to take a deep breath, "Sorry if we seem like people who disapprove of you getting married. But please know that we are all very happy when you tell us to get married, it's just that we feel something is strange. For some reason, we feel you are hiding something."

Jean didn't say anything, he just looked at Connie with a slight frown on his forehead.

Connie looked back at him with a worried expression, "Jean, we know you very well. We find it strange because we don't feel it's like you're looking for your own happiness. It's like you're stuck on something and you have to do something about it. Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I only know you very well."  Connie felt bad about the words he said to Jean, but he felt need to do so.

Jean knows that his friends know him very well, they have known each other since high school and even went to the same college. He didn't feel misunderstood by what Connie had said to him, in fact he felt that Connie had a strong instinct for what was going on. He didn't say anything, Jean still looked at Connie casually.

"You know. Since you lost your father, you have become indifferent to your own life other than your mother. We are relieved that you care for your mother so much, but you forget yourself. You once said that if your mother is happy, you will be happy too. But will your mother be happy  if you don't have your own happiness."  Connie sighed, and looked at Jean seriously, "I hope what we feel is wrong and you really get your own happiness."

Jean understood what Connie meant, "I understand. But it's not about me anymore, it's about us." Jean looked at him seriously but gently.

Connie just nodded, "Yeah.. at least my job is done. I won't ask or say these things again."

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