Chapter 9

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"They got off! They got off! They got off!" Fred and George continued to sing as they circled around the table, sending very cheerful vibes to everyone on the table. "Settle down you two!" Mrs Weasley yelled at the twins as she untied her apron and placed it to the side.

Once Y/N and Harry had arrived back at Grimmauld Place after their hearing, it seemed that everybody was waiting with such high anticipation that once they had just swung the door open they were already jumped by many pairs of curious eyes staring at them.

After Mr Weasley had told everybody the outcome of their hearing, everybody broke into so many cheers, it reminded the Ravenclaw of the time back at the Quidditch Cup. Mrs Weasley then prepared lunch for everybody with the help of Y/N's parents, it was quite cheerful Y/N had to admit, no one was arguing or giving nasty looks to each other, it was more of laughs and just happiness.

Though, Mr Weasley had to leave early because of a vomiting toilet problem he had gotten back at the Ministry, which Fred and George had happily noted down into what Y/N had assumed was their book filled with joke ideas, she made a mental note to ask them about it later.

Everybody had finished their meals, most of them were just conversing in some small talk, Ginny, Lizzy and Aidan had agreed to help Mrs Weasley clean up a part of the house, she mentioned something about a bad Doxy infection, surprisingly after she had mentioned Doxy's the twins were very eager to help out which sparked a slight suspicion in the Ravenclaw.

But it didn't really bother her as she was now more focused on the conversation she was having, she, Caleb, Sirius and Harry were talking about Quidditch while Hermione was just listening.

"Can't wait to get back into Quidditch, didn't get a chance to show off at all last year." Y/N sighed as she leant back into her seat, though her attention was soon averted to the dark-skinned boy that sat opposite of her, right beside Harry as a scoff left his lips along with a  shake of his head, "You didn't need Quidditch to show off last year, you won the bloody Triwizard Tournament at the age of 14, I think that's enough of a show off."

She sent Caleb an eye roll along with a bored expression while Harry and Sirius were busy snickering at his statement, "Whatever, besides we all know I wasn't the one who won." she mumbled, her tone wavering slightly at the thought, "Cedric won. Not me. He won, fair and square."

It seemed that the mention of the Hufflepuff's name along with the sorrowed tone of her voice had caused a slight awkward silence as all of them knew how badly affected the Ravenclaw was by Cedric's death, even though it had been months after the occurrence, she still had nightmares of it, reliving it over and over again, watching him die over and over again.

She felt a soft hand reaching over her thigh and giving it a comforting squeeze, looking to her side she was met with the sympathetic expression spread across Hermione's face, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed.

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