Chapter 11

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Y/N and Harry had reunited with their friends at platform nine and three quarters, their trunks already loaded into the train. They said their goodbyes to Mrs Weasley, Moody and Tonks before they motioned down the crowded platform.

The Ravenclaw would occasionally catch a few glares being sent her way, but she was already used to it from everything that happened last year, she learnt it was better off to not care.

As they neared the train entrance, the Ravenclaw felt a light sting on her lower abdomen, specifically where her scar was. Her eyebrows furrowed as she could make out a familiar figure just down the platform, squinting her eyes for a better vision.

Her heart dropped, it was Voldemort standing fully figured just a few feet away from her, glaring right at her with his icy cold eyes. Horror immediately flashed through her face as her hand instinctively went to intertwine Hermione's, tugging the bushy-haired girl behind her in a defensive way which caught Hermione a little off guard.

Hermione seemed to have noticed the somewhat frantic look on Y/N as her eyebrows furrowed in slight concern, feeling the Ravenclaw grip onto her hand tightly, her body beginning to tense up, "Is everything alright, love?"

The Ravenclaw took a short glance at the bushy-haired girl before she turned back to where she had seen Voldemort, but he was gone, the space where he had just stood was now filled with another crowd of people instead.

"Y/N?" Hermione called out, slightly more concerned than before. The Ravenclaw seemed to have regained her composure as she quickly shook her head, slowly relaxing herself before letting out a short breath, "'m fine."

The bushy-haired girl didn't buy it though as she examined her girlfriend skeptically, but she didn't think too much about it either, "Okay.." she drawled out before nodding her head towards the train, "C'mon, love, everybody's in already."

The Ravenclaw had fully regained her composure as she returned Hermione with a nod, making their way onto the train towards the compartment Aidan had named as 'the Ravindor.'

It was one of the few compartments that could fit their entire group, almost everybody at Hogwarts already knew that that specific compartment would always be occupied by them.

Though, usually their rides on Hogwarts express would be cheerful or at least enjoyable, but Y/N didn't know why but she felt a little out during the ride, she kept zoning off, specifically to the time right before she had stepped foot into the train, when she saw Voldemort, staring right back at her.

She wasn't paying attention at all to her friends conversation, she was more consumed in her thoughts until she felt a shift of movement beside her. Snapping out of her trance she lifted her head and realised the bushy-haired girl was stood up.

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