𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚-𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞

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Oikawa sighed heavily, hanging his head slightly, he was on his fourth drink and yet he still wasn't drunk enough

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Oikawa sighed heavily, hanging his head slightly, he was on his fourth drink and yet he still wasn't drunk enough.

Oikawa turned to Mattsun who was sat beside him, Makki had gone to the bathroom.

"Dude, your ex is here." Mattsun looked up at Oikawa from where the ravenette was looking down at his drink, his expression unreadable.

Mattsun was really good at that. Making sure people couldn't read on to what he was feeling at any given moment.

"It's fine I'm over that."

"He's dancing with your best friend."

"Kuroo can have him." Mattsun chuckled to himself before taking another sip of his drink. "Plus I have Makki so all is well."

Oikawa hummed in response before taking a gulp of his drink, face recoiling at the stinging burn of the drink. He still didn't let up his pace though. Ushijima was already off dancing with some other twink.

Mattsun looked around, seeming to spot something as he looked over to Oikawa.

"Yo man, gotta jet." Mattsun hurriedly got up but Oikawa didn't pay any mind to it.

That was until someone sat down besides him. Looking the exact same as he did in high school.

Oikawa glanced over at Iwaizumi as the man ordered a drink. Neat scotch on the rocks. He never changes.

One thing that also never changes is that Iwaizumi cant live up to his promises.

"Yo." Oikawa glanced over at him but remained silent, if Iwaizumi can't keep his promise then Oikawa would keep it for him.

Oikawa took another gulp of his drink, the substance going down smoother this time, and then ordered another.

"Listen, Kawa, I'm sorry okay? Can we be adults and just let go of it?"

Oikawa innocently glanced at Iwaizumi again and decided that maybe the man was worth talking to some.

"You're terrible at keeping your promises Hajime."

"Maybe, if I don't wanna keep them. If they're stupid and idiotic."

"Those mean the same thing."

"Exactly." Oikawa turned his body more towards Iwaizumi now, the spiky-haired man perking up at his progress.

Iwaizumi glanced down for a second, the reflection of gold catching his eye.

"So, you're married now?" Iwaizumi turned in his seat slightly as his drink was handed to him. "Oikawa's all grown up."

He stated, to no one in particular. He used to do that a lot in high school. It made Oikawa feel nostalgic. It made him miss his best friend.

"Mhm" the response was short but not sweet. It sounded innocent but the underlying tone of venom was still there.

It wasn't just Iwaizumi, this was just how Oikawa was now, closed off and paranoid, reserved for Ushijima to take and destroy.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"Ushijima." Iwaizumi's eyes grew comically wide, the man sputtered on his words for a moment before opting to take a sip of his drink instead. It was silent for a moment as Iwaizumi placed his drink back down, letting the taste stir in his mouth for a second.

"Jeeze, how long have you two been together now? I honestly thought you would break up after high school."

Oikawa didn't look at Iwaizumi as he spoke, running his finger along the edge of his glass, looking down into the way his drink made the table seem distorted and wobbly.

"Fourteen years. Married for five."

Iwaizumi huffed in surprise and leant back in his chair, stretching his fingers out as if he was letting the information dissolve into every last part of his body.

Could Oikawa really love someone for that long? He always remembered Ushijima as not being that great of a guy.

And he still didn't seem to be as Iwaizumi turned his head to see the latter dancing with someone else.

𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 |𝙸𝚠𝚊𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚗Where stories live. Discover now