𝙁𝙪𝙯𝙯𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙪

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His old house was still as looming and intimidating as ever

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His old house was still as looming and intimidating as ever.

Oikawa had been raised into wealth and he eventually married into it but this big house would always catch him off guard.

Maybe it was all the things that had happened inside, constant battles against his father, constant panic attacks and relapses. He hates this house with a burning passion.

His mother had hated big houses too, she was a humble woman who only needed a small home and close family to be satisfied. But Oikawa's father was a massive show-off.

He used to be just like that, Oikawa used to thrive off other people admiring his wealth and his looks.

But then his mother died and everything got all too overwhelming, his fortune was suffocating him as he'd desperately try to make the big house feel a little less lonelier without his mother around.

There was only one person who could make his chest feel less cold and his life a little less suffocating.

That was Iwaizumi.

Not even the Miya twins or his step-mum could help, no matter how much he still depended on them, It was only ever Iwaizumi.

The way the ravenette used to brush their hands together whenever they were side-by-side made his head all fuzzy. Back then he blamed it on all the meds he was on that were fucking with his head, but that excuse is a lost cause now.

He'd stopped taking his meds a few weeks ago and yet when he saw Iwaizumi at that wedding party that fuzzy feeling came back.

Oikawa's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his phone, giving him a reason to not enter the dreaded house yet. Oikawa sighed a breath of relief as he answered.

"Sup Issei?"

"Yo dude, I heard what happened at Ushijima's gathering...you okay? Where are you?"

Oikawa was silent for a moment, he hated this. How had he let himself get to the point where people were genuinely concerned for him on the daily?

"I'm fine Matsukawa...I'm at my old house with the twins, i just...needed a break, you know?"

"Well first of all, i know you're not fine since you only ever call me my full last name when you're upset and second, are you sure that's where you wanna be?"

Matsukawa took a breath, Oikawa stayed quiet, waiting for the man to continue.

"Your dad is still living there right? Why don't you come stay at mine? Oh wait- hold on Toru..."

Oikawa heard muffled voices over the line indicating that Mattsun was talking to someone else in the room.

Oikawa bit at the nails of his left hand, eyes darting around nervously, Matsukawa is right, he's not fine and the thought of someone else hearing his vulnerability terrified him.

Oikawa flinched slightly as Mattsun started talking to him again.

"Sorry, that was Kuroo, he was just saying that him and Tsukishima would gladly have you stay with them anytime."

Oikawa looked out the car window at Atsumu and Osamu who were standing by the fence to the back garden, waiting for the brunette so they could sneak him in.

"Uh- sorry Matsuka- Mattsun, i have to go."

"Wait Kawa!-"

Oikawa hung up, contemplating his options, trying to ignore his sudden intrusive thoughts taking over him.

The twins perked up as they saw Oikawa exit the car and saunter towards them, he looked space-y but they didn't have time to stand around if Oikawa didn't want to be seen by his dad.

The last time they saw eachother, well, it wasn't pretty, Oikawa had never been the same since that encounter, it had pushed him over the edge officially.

It's what cemented the twins' hatred for the man as they had to helplessly watch their little step-brother break because of that man.

Oikawa shuddered every time he passed the office room in that house.

Soon the three of them were clambering up the, somehow still standing, ladder on the side of the house and getting Oikawa into his old childhood room.

Being back felt strangely nice but could it stay that way?

Nothing ever seemed to.

𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 |𝙸𝚠𝚊𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚗Where stories live. Discover now