𝙍𝙚𝙙-𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠!

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I am currently writing this at the hairdressers while getting a mohawk ✌️ •

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I am currently writing this at the hairdressers while getting a mohawk ✌️

Gasps were heard throughout the room, more guests had entered the kitchen, wanting to see what all the commotion was about.

Iwaizumi watched from afar, he knew, he wandered how Tendou knew however.

Iwaizumi looked behind him at the sound of a door opening, Oikawa stepping out shyly, Osamu peeking out from behind his shoulder.

Oikawa entered the kitchen, all eyes on him as gauged what was going on.

It was eerily silent as the brunette scrunched up his fists, pouting in anger.

"Who the FUCK broke my coffee machine?!" Oikawa looked around, suddenly aware of Tendou standing on his kitchen Island. The latter quickly hopped down, suddenly feeling small, not under the gazes of the party guests, but under the looming threat of Oikawa Toru.

"Uhm...that may have been me..."

Oikawa looked at Tendou in angry bewilderment before sighing deeply. Tendou held his breath, waiting for what he knew was coming.

"So first you sleep with my husband, along with the rest of the fucking population by the way, and now you break the only thing keeping me sane right now?! Who the fuck are you?! Why are you suddenly here taking over my life? Just get out you red-haired freak!"

Oikawa inhaled sharply after his short rant, feeling light headed from all the air he used up wasting his time on a game he had already lost.

A war he had already lost.

Tendou stood back from Oikawa, sputtering for a second before shoving past the people in his way and leaving. Oikawa watched as Iwaizumi chased after the red-head.

He kind of wanted Iwaizumi to stay, he wanted to lie back down in his room next to the man, staring deeply into his onyx eyes and living vicariously through the man's cigarette stained soul.

Oikawa sighed as Atsumu and Osamu came to stand either side of him, all eyes were now on him and the brunette was painfully too aware of it.

Oikawa sighed again, his chest feeling hollow and cold, Oikawa turned away pulling the twins along with him as he went back into his room.

He had no choice but to go with them now, after that little show Ushijima was sure to be furious.

Especially since it had happened infront of all his highly respectable employees and co-workers.

But what is a big business man without some kind of shameless sex scandal?

Oikawa closed his bedroom door and got out a bag, packing his part of the shared wardrobe into it and a few essentials like his charger and the ear buds he had grown accustomed to sleeping with.

He bought them to block out the noise of Whoever Ushijima had decided to screw that night.

Osamu and Atsumu exchanged a look before helping Oikawa fold his clothes.

Oikawa stopped abruptly looking up at his step-brothers, a worried look glazed his eyes.

"Is my dad still living at home?" The twins simultaneously sighed, exchanging a look.

"Yes, Toru." Oikawa looked down, huffing out a curse.

"You can just try sneak me in or something...is the ladder we built still there?" When Oikawa first moved in with the twins, one of their first sibling bonding moments had been building a ladder up to Oikawa's room so the brunette could escape having to face his father whenever he got home.

Atsumu sighed heavily, knowing he was gonna lose this one.

"Yes, it's still there...w-we'll help you up, you dumbass." Oikawa chuckled lightly along with his brother's.

I guess going home to escape your cheating and aggressive husband it is!

𝐖𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 |𝙸𝚠𝚊𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚘𝚒.𝚄𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚗Where stories live. Discover now