𝙎𝙩𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙘

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TW// panic attack•

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TW// panic attack

The three conscious people in the room quickly turned their heads to Oikawa as the man whined slightly, grunting as he slowly woke up.

Osamu moved quickly, sitting on the edge of the bed, a comforting hand on Oikawa's hand, being conscious of the fact that Oikawa didn't like people touching his biceps.

Oikawa, after a few seconds of quiet whining, woke fully and sat up right to gauge what was happening in that moment.

"How do you feel To-To?" Oikawa looked over at Osamu, then to Iwaizumi, his gaze lingering a bit longer, trying to understand why the ravenette was there.

He didn't even look at Ushijima.

"Like death." Oikawa grumbled before his stomach promptly rumbled up a storm, the brunette bringing a hand up and pressing down.

"Listen Toru, you're gonna come home with me and Sumu for a bit, k?" Oikawa was quick to shake his head, declining then turning to Iwaizumi at the feeling that the latter has been staring at him.

"What?" Oikawa weakly mumbled out the question while Iwaizumi snapped out of the daze he seemed to had been in.

"Nothing, just..." before Iwaizumi could continue, another person burst through the door, the room quickly adopting a stuffy and crowded feel to it. Oikawa felt like he was suffocating.

"Hey Haji~ you in- oh..." Tendou stopped his sentence short at the sight of a room filled with people.

One of them people being the husband of the man he slept with.

And one of them people being the man he slept with.

At least the person he was looking for was actually in there.

Oikawa's throat closed up, the claustrophobia getting to him, especially since he didnt feel comfortable with three of the people in the room with him.

Oikawa brought a hand up to his neck, scratching at the skin before removing his hand suddenly when his mind took him back to what Ushijima did to him.

The tense and quiet room was soon filled with the sound of Oikawa choking out a sob, desperately pointing at his neck, his face flushing out of not only the stuffiness in the room but also in embarrassment that he was having a panic attack infront of so many people he didn't trust.
Excluding Osamu from that.

Osamu demanded everyone to leave the room, Ushijima lingered for a minute before tutting and walking out.

Osamu quickly turned to Oikawa, Taking the man's trembling hand and pressing it against his chest before breathing in and out deeply, trying to help Oikawa parrot his breathing pattern by having the man feel the deep breaths in Osamu's stomach.

Oikawa tried to copy Osamu but quickly choked on his breaths, his hand clutching at Osamu's shirt as the brunette cried harder.

Osamu moved Oikawa's hands to wrap around him, knowing that Oikawa liked to clutch on to someone when having a panic attack. It helped to somewhat ground him a little.

Oikawa gripped onto Osamu's blouse, pulling and clawing at the fabric, sobbing out apologies.

"Shhh,shh To-To, it's okay." Osamu whispered in Oikawa's ear before being startled slightly as someone popped their head into the room, relief quickly washing over him once he realised it was his twin.

"Tsumu, Toru's having a panic attack, he's slowly calming down though." Oikawa lifted his head up from Osamu's chest to look at Atsumu, reaching a hand out in a grabby motion.

Atsumu smiled slightly and walked fully into the room, sitting on Oikawa's other side and letting the brunette pull him into the hug.

The room was now filled with silence and the occasional small sniffle, Oikawa having calmed down enough to be able to breathe properly.

Atsumu turned his head slightly into the hug but stopped suddenly as the sight of a small bruise on Oikawa's neck caught his eye.

He knew straight away that wasn't a hickey, there were a couple, they were shaped like fingerprints.

Osamu caught onto what His Faux-blond twin had seen as his eyes quickly widened. Osamu lifted Oikawa's head from his chest slightly as the brunette looked up at him in confusion.

"Samu?" Oikawa muttered out weakly and both the brother's hearts broke, their step-brother was really hurting and they were only doing something now despite him needing them for a long time now.

Ignoring the sound of mingling chatter outside, Atsumu spoke up as Oikawa turned to look at him.

"Toru, be honest, who did that to your neck?"

Oikawa visibly paled, his eyes widening, sweat forming on his forehead. He decided to tell Atsumu the truth, However, figuring it was the best thing to do for everyone.


I'm so sorry this is so bad 😭

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