Chapter 7 : Training Wendy (Part 1)

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Third Person POV 

"Again." Irene ordered the small girl, who was breathing heavily.

"Shattering Light: Sky Drill!" Wendy chanted, spreading her arms out, as a fast wind barrier formed. She then moved her arms in a counter-clockwise direction, causing the wall made of wind to contract inwards. The blast managed to crush a couple of trees.

Irene nodded in satisfaction at the amount of damage the girl managed to cause. 

She had only started to train her a couple of months ago, and the girl has made quite a lot of improvement.

"Good job, Wendy. You have improved a lot over the past couple of months." Irene said, as the girl looked at her in happiness.

"R-Really?!" She asked, as Irene nodded.

"Now then, let us move on to your Enchantments, since we've managed to practice some of your Dragon Slayer Magic." She told her, as Wendy nodded.

"Let us start with the first and simplest enchantment." Irene told her.

"O strengthen of arm to cleave the heavens, Arms!" Wendy chanted, as a magic seal appeared above her hand.

A magical aura surrounded Wendy's arm, as it emitted a baby-blue glow. She then went and simply punched a tree, causing it to break from its root and collapse to the ground.

"Well done Wendy. Now let's move on to the next one, that has to do with speed." Irene orders her.

"O swift wind that dashes through the heavens, Vernier!" She chanted, the same baby-blue aura surrounded her. 

"Good, now I want you to run 100 laps." Irene told her, as Wendy's jaw dropped and her eyes bulged comically.

"What?!" She asked Irene incredulously.

"It is to help build up your stamina and strength. Now then, 100 laps." Irene commanded.

Wendy then ran off as Irene timed her, using her Enchantment Magic. 


Irene watched as the small Dragon Slayer breathed heavily, sweat trickling down her face.

"How interesting, with the Vernier Enchantment, you were able to run 100 laps in approximately one hour. Normally it would take at least three hours." Irene commented.

"Good job, Wendy. You managed to decrease the amount of time by at least two hours. If you keep this kind of training up, you will be stronger in no time." She told her.

"You think so, Miss Irene?" Wendy asks.

"I know so. Now let's get you cleaned up. Training will be concluded for today." Irene tells her.

Both Wendy and Irene walk back to Cait Shelter, as the little girl got cleaned up and went straight to bed, knowing that her teacher will wake her up at five in the morning to start her training. 


Just as Wendy predicted, her teacher woke her up at five in the morning to start her tough training.

Once they made it to their training site, Irene turned and looked at Wendy. 

"Wendy, I have decided to give you a test. A test that will hopefully help you improve your spells as well as combat skills." Irene told her.

"What is it, Miss Irene?" She asks curiously.

"Follow me and you shall see." She told Wendy, using Enchantment Magic to create a portal to Mountain Fujiko.

All of a sudden a large blue oval appeared out of nowhere.

"This portal will take us to the location for your test." Irene informed her, as Wendy nodded.

With that being said, the both of them  stepped through the portal. 


"Miss Irene, where are we?" Wendy questioned. 

"We are at a place called Mt. Fujiko, a place filled with mythical beasts." Irene explained, as Wendy looked at her with widened eyes.

"B-Beasts?!" She asked, looking at her teacher with fear.

"Yes, mythical beasts are basically magical beasts. Mt. Fujiko is filled with them, this is your test. I want you to try and survive here for about two months, afterwards I want to see the progress you've made. And do not think of trying to leave the mountain because I have cast an enchantment barrier around it." Irene told her, as Wendy's face went pale.

"W-W-Wai-!" Before she could finish, Irene went through the portal, where their training spot was. 

"Good luck, Wendy. I look forward to seeing the amount of progress you've made." She told her, before the portal finally closed.

The six-year-old girl looked terrified, she wanted to impress her teacher, but she felt like she wouldn't be able to handle something like this. 

Wendy shook her head, as her eyebrows furrowed in determination.

"Don't worry Miss Irene, I won't let you down!" 

A/N : The reason Irene left Wendy to train on her own, is so that she can be prepared for what is to come in the year X784, when she first meets Fairy Tail. She also wants her to be prepared for what happens later on in the series.

And Irene can only create portals to places she has seen, using  Enchantment Magic.

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