Chapter 6 : Meeting The Sky Dragon Slayer

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Third Person POV

{Year X778}

It has been 413 years since Irene came to this world, and about thirteen years since she abandoned Erza.

Though Irene knows that her daughter escaped The Tower of Heaven, which was most likely being run by Jellal Fernandez, who was unfortunately manipulated by Ultear Milkovich, into continuing the build of the R System.

Knowing that this would happen, Irene still felt guilty over abandoning her own daughter.

But, she was afraid, not only of the butterfly effect, but also due to her bloodlust, which she later realized was due to her animalistic nature as a dragon.

Though, she knew her daughter was in the capable hands of Fairy Tail, a guild who cared for its own as if they were family, and that is what she wanted Erza to have. A family that would love her no matter what, something that she just couldn't give her.

As of now, Irene was traveling through the northern portion of Fiore, which was not that hard of a trip, due to her enchantments of course.

Over the past thirteen years, Irene has gotten a lot better at both Temporal and Healing Magic as well.

She no longer has to rely on her Enchantment Magic, which she was quite grateful for, since she could use that magic to her advantage if she were to battle a powerful opponent.

Irene suddenly stopped, as she heard the sound of small footsteps, the bushes then started to shake, causing her to turn around and get into a stance.

That's when she saw a small little girl with short dark blue hair and brown eyes. She wore a simple dress with two wavy stripes running across the dress and ending in small pointed edges at the bottom. Around her arms and legs, she wore wing-like attachments. Irene also saw that the little girl had a Guild mark on her right shoulder.

Irene broke out of her own thoughts, she heard soft sobs coming from the little girl, who looked terrified. This caused Irene's gaze to soften.

"Are you alright, little girl?" She asked gently, causing the blue haired girl to jump, before looking up at the scarlet haired woman, as she shook her head no.

"I-I was playing hide-and-seek with my friend, and then I g-got lost." The girl stuttered as she explained.

"I see, what is your name?" Irene asked.

"W-Wendy M-Marvell." The little girl named Wendy answered. This confirmed Irene's suspicion, since she knew that the girl looked familiar.

'It seems that I have encountered the Sky Dragon Slayer.' She thought to herself.

"Well, Wendy. My name is Irene, would you like for me to help you find your way back to your friend?" She asked, as Wendy nodded.

"Alrighty then, let's go." Irene said, as she held out her hand for the little girl to take, which she hesitantly did.


Wendy and Irene finally managed to find Cait Shelter, and ended up returning Wendy to the guild master, Roubaul.

"Thank you so much for returning her, we were all worried sick about her." The guild master told Irene.

"You're welcome, I suppose I too would be worried if my own child got lost in the wilderness." She told him, as the guild master nodded at her words.

"And to express my gratitude, I will gladly give you some lodging." Roubaul said, causing Irene to shake her head.

"Oh, there is no need for that, I wouldn't want to be a bother." Irene said.

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