"She is a queen, her soul is royalty."~ Adrien Michael
On the night of New Year's Eve, Rukia Kurogane ends up being a part of a terrible car accident, due to a drunk driver. Soon she unfortunately meets her demise. And when she woke up, she couldn'...
It's been nine months since Irene left Wendy, the guilt was practically weighing on her. The amount of regret at abandoning the girl and the frustration she felt with herself as well.
'Why... Why didn't I just tell her in person? What kind of person leaves a letter? Why couldn't I just stop being a coward for at least a moment?' She thought to herself in frustration.
Irene continued to walk on the streets of Wyvern, a town located on the east side of Fiore.
The Town of Wyvern was a popular place in the Kingdom of Fiore. It was notorious for its ability to produce magic infused weapons, which granted the users of these weapons a specific magical function.
She never knew a town like this existed, since it was never mentioned in the anime or manga.
'This town is fascinating, I never knew that it even existed, which is astounding. Since it was never mentioned in the anime or manga.' She thought to herself, until a male voice broke her out of her thoughts.
"Hello, sweetheart.~" The male said flirtatiously, causing Irene to turn around and look at him.
He was a middle-aged male, most likely in his thirties. Not only that, but he also had about six males that stood behind him and looked the same age as him.
"Can I help you with something, sir?" Irene asked kindly, even though she was disgusted on the inside.
"How about you and me, go to my place and spend some time together?" He asks, giving Irene a flirtatious wink, causing her to inwardly grimace.
"No, thank you. I am not interested." She declined, before turning around and trying to walk away.
That was until she felt a hand being placed on her shoulders, as she turned and looked at the male.
"I'm afraid you don't have a choice, sweetheart." He said with a smirk, as the other males held a smirk as well.
He looked at her body up and down, especially her chest area, before a smile broke out on his face.
"You sure have a nice body, sweetheart. I wonder what it would feel like to be insi-." The male was quickly cut off, due to him being punched in the face with a fist cladded in rock.
He stumbled back a bit, while giving Irene a death glare. He then spit out blood from his mouth.
"You bitch! I'll make you pay!" He shouted in rage, before moving to attack her.
He tried to shoot Irene with fire magic, but she effortlessly dodged. She took her staff, as it glowed a bright red. Soon, a red ball of energy shot towards him and sent the male flying back, crashing into the ground.
Another male rushed towards her and tried to shoot her with ice crystals. She, then, used an enchantment to form a barrier. She dispelled her barrier, before launching an attack at the male.
"Sage Dragon's Claw!" A lightning aura surrounded Irene's foot, which was clad in lightning. She rushed towards the male at top speed, before sending him flying back with a hard kick to the face.
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