"She is a queen, her soul is royalty."~ Adrien Michael
On the night of New Year's Eve, Rukia Kurogane ends up being a part of a terrible car accident, due to a drunk driver. Soon she unfortunately meets her demise. And when she woke up, she couldn'...
Heine shakily stood up, as she stared at her opponent. The effects of her Ice-Fire Kick left Heine in pain, especially the burning sensation that occurred afterwards.
'This girl is strong… But how exactly does her magic work?' She thought to herself, since she has never experienced this particular kind of magic before.
"Are you just going to stand there all day? Or are you going to fight me?" The girl asks.
"Yes, but before we fight, what is your name?" Heine asked.
"My name is Kaida Usagi." The girl named Kaida answers.
"My name is Heine Lunasea. A name given to me by Lady Irene, and so I will honor my lady's will. I shall defeat you." She says, getting into a position.
"As will I." She tells Heine, before she attacked.
A magic seal appears at her hand, before lavender colored flames engulfed her entire fist
"Ice-Fire Punch!" Kaida shouts, as her fist collides hard with Heine's face.
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This caused Heine to cry out in pain, due to the burning sensation she felt. She crashed into the ground, before she managed to get back up.
Heine then proceeded to use her Magical Thread, as it looked like a sword whip. She proceeded to move her arms in a straight across motion, then a line like motion.
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Kaida managed to dodge her attack, before pulling out two twin blades that looked to be made of platinum.
Suddenly, a lavender-like aura emitted from her hands and onto her daggers.
"Ice-Fire: Flaming Ice Blades!" That's when she delivered her next attack on Heine and rushed forward.
She moved her twin blades in slashing motions, making each attack hit Heine, causing the girl to cry in pain, yet again.
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