Chapter 10 : Bittersweet Goodbye

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Third Person POV 

{Year X782} 

Today was the day that Irene had to leave little Wendy behind. She didn't want to, but she knew that two years from now, her ten-year-old student would be a part of the Fairy Tail Guild.

She knew that Wendy was in capable hands, after all she knew that the girl would eventually consider Fairy Tail as her family.

With that being said, Irene left. She knew that she was a coward for not saying goodbye directly towards Wendy, but she couldn't handle the guilt and regret of the decision she made. It felt like she was abandoning Erza all over again.

Irene left behind a note for Wendy, explaining to her why she left and why she abandoned her.

To say that Irene was practically having an emotional breakdown was an understatement.

She was worried over all the negative outcomes of her decisions. Not only about Wendy, but her own daughter as well, since she knew that in Fairy Tail's final season that Erza officially met Irene.

The only thoughts running through her mind were…

Will Wendy hate me for abandoning her?

Am I doing the right thing?

What if I come face to face with Erza and she hates me as well?

Would Erza hate me for the decision of abandoning her? 

Thoughts, such as these, caused Irene to practically break out in tears.

'What if neither of them forgive me?' She thought to herself, before shaking her head.

'Even if they do hate me, I am glad that they will get the true happiness they deserve. After all, Wendy is a strong girl and I know she will be in the capable hands of Fairy Tail. As for Erza, I know that she will be a strong and independent woman. There is no need for me to worry so much, after all, I will always be there for them if they both truly need me.' Irene thought to herself, finally able to pull herself together.

As she continued to walk, she turned and looked at Cait Shelter, before a smile graced her features.

Good luck Wendy. I hope to see you in the future...

Wendy POV

I woke up in the morning, so that I could train with Irene-sensei, since we always wake up at five in the morning to start our day.

I looked over and saw that it was seven in the morning on my alarm clock.

'Oh no! Irene-sensei is going to be furious with me!' I thought to myself, as I panicked and quickly got out of my bed. I spotted a white envelope, which seemed to be sealed shut. 

I picked up the letter, before making a circle motion around the wax seal. All of a sudden, a hologram version of Irene-sensei appeared.

"Hello Wendy, I am giving this magic letter to you to explain some things. After hearing this message that I give you, you can burn it or do whatever you wish to it. I wanted to let you know that, these past four years, have been quite a blessing for me. You helped me deal with a lot of pain and sadness, and that smile of yours always brought joy to my heart. I am sorry for leaving you, but I hope you can understand that the only reason I am leaving you, is because I wish to journey off on my own. You can be angry with me all you want, but I hope you can forgive me one day. You're a strong and kind girl who I know will be a fantastic mage, and that exceed of yours, Carla, will be the best companion you've ever had, so I don't want you to worry about being alone. This is goodbye Wendy Marvell, I hope to see you again in the future, and don't worry, I always keep my promises."  

Third Person POV

Once the hologram of Irene disappeared, Wendy broke out in tears.

She always thought of Irene as a mother figure, just like Grandeeney.

She clutched the letter tightly, before collapsing to her knees. She pressed her back against her bed, as she brought her knees to her chest. 

Wendy let out sobs, as Carla looked at her softly, before getting down from the bed and cuddling close to the girl.

Carla always respected Irene, she saw the woman as a wise person, who was a wonderful teacher to Wendy. She, too, had tears streaming down her face, since she looked up to Irene. 

The rumbling of thunder could be heard, as rain began to pour. The weather was currently setting the mood, a theme of sadness and pain the two were going through. 

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is so short. Here is an explanation about both Irene and Wendy. Wendy was left alone at the age of five, since Grandeeney disappeared in the year X777, and she met Jellal (Mystogan) who took her to Cait Shelter. In the year X778, Wendy was six years old when she met Irene.

Irene taught her both Enchantment Magic and helped her improve her Dragon Slayer Magic. She also helped Wendy in combative skills and how to use her heightened senses as a Dragon slayer. X782 is when Irene left Wendy, who is ten years old, since Irene was her teacher for approximately four years.

Also if you guys are wondering when Carla came into the picture, it was seven months after she met Wendy. Sorry that I didn't put this into detail. Anyways, I hope this helps some people who might get confused about the timeline between these two including how Carla came into the picture. 

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