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New Year's Eve, the place where us humans celebrate the new year and try to create new goals for ourselves in life. On this cold wintry evening, a car could be seen driving slowly on the slick roads covered in black ice.

The lady was in her own little world, thinking about going to her family cabin up in the mountains. It has been about four years since Rukia last visited her family, she had been busy due to the amount of work her job required, considering she is the CEO of her family owned business.

She stopped at a red light and looked over at the time, which read 9:45pm. Rukia had been driving for approximately three hours straight, of course she took breaks as well.

Rukia was brought out of her own little world, as she was blinded by a bright light, she turned as her eyes widened in terror.

A large pickup truck was coming straight towards her, and it did not show any signs of stopping.

Soon the light got brighter and brighter....

And the truck finally clashed with her car, as it was sent tumbling across the road upon the mountains, the car rolled until it found itself near the edge of the mountain, and that's when it fell off of the cliff and deep into the unknown ground of the forest.

It seemed that our dear little protagonist had finally met her demise......

Or... so she thought....

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