Chapter 16 : The Downfall of Fairy Tail

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Third Person POV 

{Year X784}

{After Tenrou Island is Destroyed}

Fairy Tail, a guild filled with those who have love for their friends and cares for their family. A place where you are left suspended in an eternal mystery and a never ending adventure.

Sure, the guild was known for its destruction and rowdiness. But the guild truly was the heart of Magnolia and all of Fiore. When news about Fairy Tail's defeat was spread, it truly brought up shock to the people of Fiore. 

Everyone was surprised that the No.1 Guild in all of Fiore was defeated, nonetheless, by the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse… Acnologia. 

But the ones that were truly hurt the most were the leftover guild members. Who had a hard time coping with the fact that their comrades… their friends… their nakama was gone. 


The guild was silent for the first time. The pain and sorrow everyone had on their faces was evident.

It's been a whole week and ever since then, people have been leaving the guild one by one. 

Everyone was hurt by the event that took place on Tenrou Island, especially Romeo, who looked up to a particular pinkette.

Tears were pouring down his face, as his father tried to comfort him.

"I know it hurts, we all miss them." Macao says, trying to ease his son's sadness.

"I-I k-know. I-I-I m-miss N-N-Natsu-kun." He stuttered out.

"I know. We all miss him, Romeo." His father said.

"I wish Levy was here." Jet says, looking down sadly.

"Yeah, I miss Levy too." Droy agreed.

"Everyone's been leaving ever since hearing the news. How are we going to manage the guild now?" A person asks.

Nobody could answer that question, since not even they knew the answer.

A shadow was cast over Romeo's face, before he stood up and ran out of the guild, not hearing the shouts and pleas of his father and guild members to come back.

'Natsu-san, Lucy-chan, I miss you both!' He thought inwardly, tears continued to pour down his face.


Romeo sat there bawling his eyes out, whilst sitting on the doc. 

He was so focused on crying, that he didn't hear the footsteps approaching him.

"Why are you crying, little one?" A feminine voice asked.

Romeo flinched, before turning and looking up at the beautiful scarlet haired woman.

He hesitated before replying.

"M-My family is gone." He choked out.

The woman's gaze softened, staring down at the young boy.

"I see. Would you mind telling me who these friends of yours are?" She questions, causing Romeo to narrow his eyes.

"... They're from Fairy Tail." He answered. 

She said nothing, seeing as this confirmed her suspicions about the Tenrou Island Arc.

The woman sighed, before taking a seat next to Romeo. 

"I'm sorry about your family, little one." She said, causing more tears to stream down Romeo's face.

Hesitantly, the woman pulled him closer to her, trying to comfort the small boy. 

"Shhh- It's alright." She said softly, rubbing the boy's back.

He continued to cry until there were no more tears left to spill, and the scarlet haired female comforted him whilst doing so.

She suddenly stood up, causing the boy to turn and look up at her.

"Come on, little one, there is no need for any more tears." She said gently.

Romeo stood up as well, only for his eyes to widen in surprise. The female picked him up gently.

"H-Hey! You don't have to carry me!" He shouts, making the female chuckle.

"I know, it's just you're so adorable, I couldn't help myself." The red head said.

"Hmph." Romeo pouted.

"Let's get you back to your home."


The woman and Romeo stood at the front doors of the Fairy Tail Guild, and his grip on her tightened. 

Taking notice of this, she gently placed him on the ground. The red head female then patted his head.

"Don't worry, little one, everything will be okay." She told him, as his lip quivered.

"H-How do you know?" He stuttered out.

"It's called having hope. I am sure your family will return to you someday." The red head says.

"You t-think so?" Romeo asks.

"I know so." It was all that she said, bending down a bit and holding out her pinky finger.

"I want you to promise me something, little one." She says.

"W-What is it?" He asked her.

"I want you to promise me that you will stay strong. And that no matter how hard things may get, I want you to have hope." She told him, as Romeo stared at her with widened eyes.

"B-But how?! I'm so weak, so how can I stay strong for my nakama?!" He asks.

"Aim for the moon, if you miss, you may hit a star. Listen, little one, I know you can do it, all you have to do is believe in yourself." The woman tells him, before continuing.

"I can tell you're a strong young boy. And I know you will be a great mage someday." She told Romeo.

Tears developed in his eyes, before he rushed towards her and hugged her waist, which caught the woman off guard.

A small smile graced her face, before ruffling his hair a bit. Romeo released her, as she bent down to his height.

She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, causing a blush to arise on his face.

"You should go in now. I'm sure that your family is worried." The woman told him, as Romeo gave her a nod.

He turned and ran off, before stopping and looking at the woman, who was starting to walking away. 

"Hey miss, what's your name?" Romeo asks, whilst shouting.

"My name is Irene. It was a pleasure meeting you, little one." Irene told him.

The boy smiled brightly, before running into the guild and closed the door.

A breeze passed by, as Irene's hair flowed with it. 

Don't worry, Fairy Tail, your family will come back to you. Until then, good luck.

A/N: I wanted to make a chapter regarding the end of the Tenrou Island Arc. Now then, we will be getting started in season six of the anime. 

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