Chapter 2 : Faithful Encounter

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Third Person POV

Centuries…… That's how long it was for Irene, it took her over 400 years in order to become human again. Erza, over that amount of time, continued to grow slowly while inside her womb.

Just like the original Irene, she stayed up in the mountains, hunting and getting the feel of what it means to be a dragon. It did take her some time to get used to her new body as well.

And here she was, laying on the grass bed, staring at the reflection that was placed on the water.

'Though I am indeed practicing my Sage Dragon Slayer Magic, I still need to practice the other's that I have considered using as well.' She thought to herself, as her brows furrowed deep in thought, until suddenly a rather familiar voice broke her out of her thoughts.

"What a rare sight. A dragon that still lives." Irene turned and looked at the young male.

He wore a high-collared black and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He had short black hair and dark eyes.

Irene finally came out of her shock, deciding to speak up.

"May I ask, who are you?" She questioned him.

"I am Zeref. Though, I suppose I should call you a human?" Zeref asks rhetorically, as Irene already knew the answer to that.

"How did you know I was human?" Irene asks.

"I suppose your aura, I am not sure. I am guessing, that I am correct?" He asked.

"You're correct, I was human." She replied.

"I see… may I ask how you became a dragon?" Zeref asks her, as his eyes hold curiosity.

"I am the one who created Dragon Slayer Magic, unfortunately the side effect of creating that magic eventually led me to becoming a dragon myself." Irene explains to him, as he nods in understanding.

"I see. That is quite unfortunate. Perhaps I could help?" He asks, causing Irene to narrow her eyes.

'I have no doubt that he will want something in return for his help.' She thought to herself.

"I shall accept your help, Zeref." She tells him, just like canon Irene, she could not find a way to turn herself back into her human form, so this opportunity was quite fortunate.

"Very well." Zeref says. A purple glow suddenly emits from his hand.

The magic surrounded Irene, as she closed her eyes.

After a couple of seconds, she opened them. Looking down, she saw her regular human hands. Causing, Irene to suddenly be hit by a wave of nostalgia.

'Finally! After so long, I am human again!'

"Thank you! You made me human again!" Irene exclaims with happiness.

"You only look like one. Unfortunately, you'll never be human again." He informed her, as Irene shook her head.

"Nonetheless, I am still grateful that you made me human again. In order to express my gratitude, I shall place an enchantment on you. Black Wizard." Her statement causes Zeref's eyes to widen.

"H-How did you kno-?" Before he could finish his sentence, Irene interrupts him.

"I can sense death around you. I know who you're. You are the one who unfortunately holds Ankhseram Black Magic. Or rather, the Contradictory Curse. As I stated before, I shall place an enchantment upon you." Irene explains to him.

"What kind of enchantment?" Zeref asks suspiciously.

"An enchantment that should nullify the effects of Ankhseram for a certain amount of time, though do be warned that after the spell loses its effect, the curse could become stronger due to the amount of buildup it will possess." She explains to him, as Zeref looks at her intensely.

"If I accept your offer, how long will the enchantment last?" He questions.

"If you accept my offer, the enchantment will last approximately five years. I know that may seem like a short amount of time, but I am sure it would benefit someone who hasn't been around life for so long." Irene commented.

Everything went silent, as no one said a single word. A shadow casted over Zeref's face.

"I….. Accept your offer." He tells her.

"Very well then." She said.

Irene holds her arm out, as a golden glow emits from the palm of her hands, as soon the golden aura surrounds Zeref.

The gold light moves towards his hands, as it wraps around his wrists. And slowly the glow dims.

"The spell is complete, remember it only lasts for five years

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"The spell is complete, remember it only lasts for five years." Irene warns him.

Tears begin to stream down Zeref's face, after so long of trying to not value life. He now has the opportunity to relish in it.

"T-Thank you, I am forever in your debt." He says, as Irene shakes her head.

"There is no reason for a debt to be repaid, after all, you helped me become human again. So, this is the least I can do." She told him.

"Even so, there must be a way that I can thank you?" Zeref questions.

'Well… I suppose since he is considered a genius in magic, maybe I would be able to get him to give me some information about the magics that I wish to learn.' She thought to herself.

"I suppose there is something you could do for me…" Irene says, as Zeref perks up.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Do you happen to have any information about certain places that I could find. In order to search for other magics?" She asks him.

"Well, there is always the Library of Magic, that is in the Town of Magnolia." Zeref replies.

"I see, thank you for the help." Irene says, as Zeref shakes his head.

"It was not a problem, and I should thank you as well." He tells her.

"Farewell, Zeref." Irene says, as she turns and walks away.

A small smile made its way upon the dark mage's face.

Farewell, dragon woman…

A/N: I will say that the next few chapters will be about Irene and her meeting some of the canon characters, before we get into Season 6-9 of Fairy Tail. I hope you all have a great day!😊👋

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