Chapter 20 : Opening of the Eclipse

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Third Person POV 

Irene stood on a large building, watching the scene unfold before her, between both the Fairy Tail mages and Princess Hisui.

"You have my deepest apologies. Owing to our current emergency situation, I'll give you a formal apology at a later date." Hisui said, clearly remorseful for her own actions.

"She's the princess, Carla." Wendy murmured.

"Yes." Carla replied.

"Also, congratulations on winning the Grand Magic Games." She told them.

"We won?!" Happy exclaimed.

"They did it!" Wendy said happily.

The Eclipse Gate suddenly let out a low noise, causing the Fairy Tail mages to turn and look at it.

Lucy then turned to Princess Hisui.

"Why are you opening the portal? The dragons aren't here yet!" Lucy told her.

Husui stared at her with a surprised expression, before turning to Arcadios.

"They know about the dragons?" Hisui asked him.

"Yes. They're aware of the situation." He answered. 

Arcadios looked at Lucy. 

"Come to think of it, where's the you that came from the future?" He questions, causing the others to gain a look of sadness. 

"... She was murdered. By another man who came from the future." Panther Lily answered.

"That man said something. He said the Eclipse Cannon didn't fire because I interfered with the portal opening." Lucy spoke up, this statement caused the princess and the knight to let out a noise of shock.

"That's why he tried to kill you?" Arcadios said. 

"Are you going to interfere with the opening of the portal?" Hisui asked Lucy.

"Of course I'm not! I'm just wondering why you're opening the gate when the dragons aren't here." Lucy states.

"That's simple. It takes time before it can fire. We wouldn't have time if we waited for the dragons to appear." Hisui explains, as Lucy looked at her unsure.

"Will that really be able to defeat the dragons? All of them?" She questions.

"I can't say that with any certainty, but I'm sure his majesty is also taking measures to prepare for a worst-case scenario." She told Lucy.

The sound of rumbling g was heard, as the Eclipse Gate slowly began to open. Whilst the gate opened, an ominous mist flowed out of it.

Irene's eyes narrowed, while her group members stared at her.

"Lady Irene, it's starting." Heine said, while Irene gave her a nod.

"Indeed it is." She said.


Lucy stared with widened eyes, watching as the Eclipse Gate opened.

'The portal… is opening!' She thought inwardly.

Whilst the gate opened, the moon suddenly turned blood-red. The gate was now nearly opened. 

"The portal for the hope of the human race is opening!" Someone exclaimed.

"The portal of victory is opening!" Another person exclaims.

Wendy turned and looked at Lucy, before walking over towards her.

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