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I couldn't believe my eyes. Standing in front of us along with several reporters and photographers was Tai and...Genevieve. What in the hell was going on? Why were they together? Why were they here? I looked over at McKenna and I could tell she was nervous. I gave her hand a comforting squeeze and she gave me a tight smile. I looked back at Tai and Viv. Tai stood there with his arms crossed over his broad chest, an indignant look on his face. Genevieve's eyes that used to be so soft when she looked at me, now sparked with hate. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed heavily, never letting go of McKenna's hand.

"Well, this is certainly a surprise." Tai snorted as he glared over at me.

"Viv and I just thought it was time we confronted you both about your lies." I looked at McKenna and her expression of confusion matched my own.

"Our lies?" I asked. "What exactly is it that we lied about? Last time I checked, you were the one who used McKenna to win the money, and she broke up with you when she caught you in bed with Lily." Tai's eyes flashed with anger as his gaze drifted to the line of reporters then back to me.

"McKenna is trying to act like the victim in all this, but anyone who's watched the show can plainly see you two were playing everyone from day one." Tai put his arm around Viv. "Tell them Viv. Tell them how hurt you were to find out Seb was just using you until he had his chance with McKenna." Viv looked down at her feet, then raised her gaze to mine.

"How could you use me like that, Seb?" My heart broke at the look of pain in her eyes. I never meant to hurt Viv. She had always been so kind.

"Viv..." I began, softly. "I'm sorry I hurt you. It was never my intention. When we got together, I honestly tried to make it work. You're so sweet and kind, but you know as well as I do that we just were not a good match." Genevieve bit her lip as she looked from me to McKenna, and back again. Her eyes hardened.

"I just wasn't good enough for you? Was that it?" She glared at McKenna, "Why do you have to have everything? You had Tai, why did you need to have Seb too? Why couldn't you just leave us alone and let us be happy?" She was screaming at McKenna, her fists clinched by her sides. She looked as if she wanted to hit McKenna and there was no way I was going to let that happen.

"I never took Seb from you Genevieve," McKenna whispered as tears slipped from her blue eyes. I immediately went to her and gently wiped the tears away, placing a gentle kiss on her cheeks where the tears had fallen.

"Shh," I tried to soothe. "You didn't do anything to apologize for." McKenna looked up at me, her eyes still shining with the tears that wanted to fall and I felt as if someone punched me in the stomach. I whirled back around. "You two need to just leave."

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you? Viv and I are the bad guys again, because we're disrupting your perfect little life you've got going on here?"

"Viv was never the bad guy," I replied softly. I looked over at her, my eyes pleading. "You can be angry with me all you want. I knew how I felt about McKenna, but I tried to move on with you because I thought my feelings were one sided. Was that wrong of me to get into a relationship with you, knowing how I felt about her? Yes. I'm not trying to deny that I was wrong to do it. I should have just left the show, or whatever, but I can't change the past." Tears began to fall from Genevieve's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Viv. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but McKenna doesn't deserve your hate." I looked over at McKenna who clung to my arm, her face buried in my sleeve. I gently kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes as I breathed in her sweet smell. "Tai is using you the way he uses everyone. Since he broke up with McKenna and everyone found out how big of a wanker he really is, he's lost the limelight. He was just trying to find a way back into the spotlight. Using your pain, and your anger at me to do it." Genevieve straightened her back, wiping the tears from her face. She spun around and looked at Tai angrily.

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