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After we got engaged, we immediately told our family and friends. Everyone was thrilled for us, and I still had a hard time believing McKenna said yes. She wanted to marry me, to be my wife, to be the mother of my children, till death do us part. How could I possibly have gotten that lucky? McKenna wanted us to go to the registrar and get married immediately. As much as I wanted to call her my wife, I knew if she didn't have a wedding ceremony surrounded by her family and friends, she may regret it later. That was the last thing I wanted. In the end, I won.

Today was the big day. I paced back and forth in the groom's suite, waiting for the ceremony to start. I stopped pacing long enough to look in the mirror to make sure everything still looked okay. I was wearing a grey suit and a pale pink tie to match the bridesmaid's dresses. My groomsmen wore charcoal grey suits with pale pink ties. My hair was up in my usual manbun. I offered to cut my hair and even shave off my beard, but McKenna would have none of it. I smile to myself as I thought about the horrified look on her face when I made the offer. She told me she loved my hair and my beard, and if I cut it off, she may call off the wedding. I chuckle to myself thinking about it. I play with my cufflinks and fiddle with my tie when Bryan's face appeared in the mirror behind me. Bryan has been my best mate since nursery school. He placed his hands on my shoulders and grinned over my shoulder.

"There's nothing you can do. You're always going to be ugly," I burst out laughing and turn to face my friend. "Seriously, I don't know what McKenna sees in you."

"I don't know either, mate." I take a deep, calming breath. "How is it possible that that beautiful creature wants to marry me?" Bryan laughs as he pours me two fingers of whisky. He hands me the glass and pours one for himself.

"Seb, I've known you for a long, long time. You like to pretend you're this cool and brooding guy. The type of guy who bounced from relationship to relationship every time things began to get more serious. When you went on the show," he paused and chuckled softly. "Honestly...I didn't expect you to make it through the first elimination." I punched his arm and frowned.

"Hey!" Bryan laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"But, the moment McKenna walked into that Villa...You were hooked. I could tell by the look on your face. It's something I had never seen in all our years as mates." He held his glass up and gently tapped it against mine, "I'm so happy for you. You and're forever." Tears stung my eyes as I looked into Bryan's. I pulled him in for a tight hug.

"Thank you for always being there." I pulled back and looked into his brown eyes. "And, thank you for standing beside me today."

Bryan grinned, "Of course. I have to make sure you don't try to run for it. McKenna is paying me actually." I laugh and push him on his shoulder.

"Wanker." I turned around and looked at my other groomsmen, Nicky, Camillo, and Bill. "I'm so thankful to all of you for standing up beside me today."

Nicky poured each of us another shot of whisky, "A toast. To Sebastian and McKenna, may you live each day like your last, and live each night like your first." We all touch glasses and down the amber liquid. We all turned towards the door when there was a knock. My dad stuck his head in and smiled.

"It's time," I smile at my dad and take a deep breath before turning to the men who were standing beside me on one of the most important days of my life.

"I guess this is it. I'm about to become a married man." Camillo placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so happy for you and McKenna, and I'm honored you asked me to be here for you today." I turn to Camillo and give him a quick hug. I take a step back, taking in another deep breath and smile.

"Let's go make McKenna my wife." I laugh as I turn to my dad. We look at each other for a moment, then step forward at the same time to embrace. I close my eyes and squeeze him tight, so thankful to have both him and my mum back in my life. Yet another thing I can credit McKenna for.

"Your mum and I are so proud of you, Sebastian. We couldn't be happier for you and McKenna. She's a blessing to our family." He pulled back slightly and smiled at me. "And we can't wait for you two to give us grandkids." I laugh and wipe at my eyes.

"Can we get married first, Dad?" He laughed and squeezed my shoulder. Without another word, he turned and left the room. My mother stood on the other side of the door. She was already dabbing a handkerchief to her eyes, and I knew she'd been crying. I opened my arms, and she immediately came to me. I pulled her to me gently but held her tight to my chest. "I love you, mum."

"I love you too my boy." She placed a gentle kiss on my cheek as she pulled away. She smiled up at me, then turned to Bryan. He gave her a wink, causing her to chuckle as he offered her his arm. He led my parents to their seats, then came back to walk McKenna's mother to her seat. When he made his way back to us, McKenna's bridesmaids stood on the terrace. Genevieve took Camillo's arm. Camillo grinned down at her, took her hand from his arm, placed a kiss on her knuckles, then tucked it back into his arm. He glanced over at me, a slight blush on his cheeks. I arched my eyebrows at him, grinned, and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled brightly, then led Genevieve down the aisle. Next up was Bill and AJ, followed by Nicky and Elladine, and then Bryan and Anna. Bryan grinned at Anna, then bowed down to her. She laughed softly as she placed her hand in his. He kissed it, then stood and tucked her hand in his arm, keeping it covered with his own. I chuckled to myself, wondering just how long it would be before they admitted how much they liked one another.

It was finally my turn. I stood on the terrace, pushed my shoulders back and take a deep breath. I begin my walk down the aisle, surprised at how easy my smile came as my eyes met various friends and family on the way to the altar. Bryan greets me at the altar with a huge smile and a wink. I grinned at him before taking my spot beside him. I turned and faced the opposite end of the aisle and waited patiently for the woman of my dreams.

It feels like forever before the music changes, and I know she's about to make her way to me. To my surprise I wasn't nervous or scared. I was excited, and I couldn't wait to stand here and make McKenna my bride. At first, all I could see was her father. When they turned the corner, I saw her for the first time. My breath caught as I watched her walking towards me. Her beautiful blue eyes met mine, and everything else seemed to fade into the background. When they finally made it down the aisle, I break eye contact with McKenna to look at her father. He gave me a small smile, his lips trembling slightly.

"Take care of my little girl," he whispered. I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Always." He squeezed our hands then turned and sat down beside his wife who immediately took his hand. I look down at McKenna who is looking up at me with the happiest smile on her beautiful face. I gently kiss her hand and mouth, 'You look beautiful', earning me an even bigger smile. We turn together to the minister.

"As you travel together in life..."

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