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I begin to wake slowly, my arm stretching lazily across the sheets, only to be find McKenna is no longer in bed beside me. I immediately sit up, my chest constricting as the panic begins. What if she regretted what happened? What if she realized she didn't love me the way she thought she did? I throw back the covers and the moment my feet hit the cold wood floor I hear sounds coming from the direction of the kitchen. I slowly feel myself relax at the realization that she didn't leave me the way I had imagined. I smile to myself as I head to the bathroom. Inside, I see she'd already showered. I'm surprised at how pleased I am to see an extra toothbrush and brush on the side of the sink, but wondered where they had come from. I know I didn't have extras lying around. I simply shrugged and climbed into the shower. A few minutes later, I throw my wet hair into my usual messy bun, pull on a fresh Black Sabbath T-shirt, and a pair of black lounge pants before heading to the kitchen.

When I get there, I pause at the doorway and lean against the door jam, my arms crossed over my chest. McKenna is at the stove cooking breakfast while Doom and Cello circle around her bare feet. I feel my heart constrict in my chest at the sight. Seeing the three beings I love most in the world together like that filled me with such happiness, that I felt like my heart might burst from the joy.

"You're not getting anymore bacon. Your Daddy would kill me if he knew I'd given you some already," McKenna whispered down to the two cats where were staring up at her with adoration. "Don't look at me like that," she groaned as she turned her attention back to the French toast she was cooking. Once she had everything plated up, she turned and nearly dropped the plates when she saw me standing in the doorway. She laughed nervously as she sat the plates down on the kitchen table. "Good morning, handsome." McKenna smiled over at me, her cheeks blushing in such an attractive way. I slowly push off the door and walk towards her. My hands skim her tiny waist before wrapping around her and pulling her soft body to mine. I give her ass an affectionate squeeze as I lean down and gently kiss her lips. She sighs dreamily against mine and I swear I could stay here forever. She slowly pulled back and smiled up at me, her gorgeous blue eyes filled with love and happiness. How was it possible that this beautiful woman loved me as much as I loved her? It had to be a miracle.

"You're up early," I say softly, still not wanting to let her go quite yet. She nods and looks around the kitchen.

"I was a bit restless this morning, so I took a morning walk. I picked up a couple things I needed and decided to grab some groceries so I could make you breakfast. I hope you don't mind..." Her cheeks grew redder and I couldn't help but smile down at her.

"Are you kidding? Not only does the most gorgeous woman in the world love me, but she cooks too?!?" I look up at the ceiling and clasp my hands together as if I'm praying. "Thank you God!" McKenna giggled and hit my arm playfully before kissing me again softly.

"I made French toast. It's one of my specialties. I hope you like it." We both sit down at my small dining table and I pour us both a glass of orange juice. Doom and Cello seem to have given up hope of more bacon and curl up under the table near us as we dig into the luscious breakfast McKenna made for us. It was absolutely delicious. We talked about any and everything as we ate, but neither of us brought up the subject that really needed to be discussed. What was going to happen now? We cleared the table and she dried while I washed the dishes. It was something completely normal and every day for most couples, but it was a first for me. Most of the girls I had dated in the past could burn water, and I was a decent cook, but doing something as simple as washing the dishes together never once crossed my mind before.

We stood there by the sink as I dried off my hands and McKenna dried the last dish. Both of us are silent for a moment, but she is the first one to speak.

"So..." her voice trials off and she reached up to scratch my beard, which has become one of the many things I love when she does it.

"So..." I let my voice trail off too. I smile down at her and brush my thumb across her bottom lip before burying it in her hair. "I guess it's that time. Time to have the 'talk'." McKenna nodded slowly as she took my hand and led me back to my bedroom. We crawled in bed together and she immediately curled up in my arms. "What happens next?"

McKenna sighs heavily as she rests her head on my chest, "I don't want to leave you." My heart squeezes in my chest and I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face.

"I don't want you to leave." I feel her smile against my chest as she kisses it softly. "But how do we do this?" I feel her shoulders shrug.

"I honestly don't know. You have your business here and I have the orchestra in London." We sat in silence for a while, both of us thinking of a way to solve our problem. I wanted to tell her I'd sell my shop and move to London for her, but would that scare her away? Was I moving too fast? McKenna was the first to speak, "I could quit..." she began but I pulled back slightly and stopped her from saying anything else by pressing my finger to her lips.

"You can't quit. I've seen how you touch people. I've seen how much you love what you do." McKenna's eyes filled with tears as she looked up at me and it was almost more than I could possibly bear.

"But I love you so much more," she whispered as her tears began to fall. I gently wiped them from her cheeks and kissed her softly.

"I love you too, McKenna. I love you too much to let you walk away from your dream."

"I'd give up everything to be with you Seb. I don't want to be apart from you." I smile down at her in complete awe of this woman.

"Because I love you, I can't let you do that."

"Then what do we do?"

"I'll sell my shop..." she began to argue with me, but I hold up my hand and she quiets to let me finish. "If I'm honest with myself, I don't really enjoy my shop the way I used to. I initially went onto the show to try to help boost my sales, not really thinking I'd find the one." I look down at her and brush her hair behind her ear. "When the show ended I got what I asked for. Business picked up, but then my life wasn't my life anymore. I was that guy from that show and everyone wanted to meet me." I chuckled softly, "You know me, Ken. I'm not exactly the most personable guy."

"You're the most amazing man I've ever met," she smiled as she began stroking my beard again, and I now realized why Doom and Cello liked being scratched so much. I mentally shook myself and continued.

"I's not worth it anymore. Dave has been with me since I opened. He knows the ropes. I can give him a good deal on the place. Then..." I trailed off, my heart hammering against my chest. I took a deep breath then looked back down at her, "I could move to London to be closer to you." A slow smile spread across McKenna's face.

"Are you sure this is what you genuinely want? I don't want you to give up something you love either."

"It's definitely what I want. I want to be with you McKenna Ryan." She crushed her lips to mine as she straddled my waist. Her hips rocked against me as her tongue danced with mine. One by one, our clothes fell to the floor as our bodies moved together as one once again. 

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