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I was happy. What was this? I'm always the dark and moody one. I rarely even smile or laugh. This has always been who I am. The moment I saw McKenna standing in my shop I felt as if a cloud had lifted from over me. My heart felt lighter and the room seemed brighter. If I started hearing birds singing, I swear I was going to lose my shit.

When McKenna said she hadn't really been in love with Tai, I had to fight to keep the smile off my face. I wanted nothing more than to tell her then and there how much I love her, but I still held back. She had been through so much the last few weeks. I knew if I told her now, she'd be so overwhelmed, and probably not in a good way. She needed a friend right now. I had to bide my time and just be patient for a little while longer. When I do tell her how I feel I just hope she'll feel the same way.

We walked all the way to my flat in a comfortable silence. When I opened the door and let her inside, I could tell by the look on her face she was surprised. Most people assumed guys like me were slobs, and some were. Hell let's admit most of us are. I on the other hand was not. I liked things kept neat and tidy. I wasn't a neat freak or anything, but I did prefer to keep my place clean. I was actually a little embarrassed for her to see the cereal bowl and juice glass I left in the sink this morning. I sat the carrier down on the floor and opened the door. Doom and Cello walked out of the carrier and eagerly circled their bowls letting me know they were both ready for their dinner. I sat down my computer bag on the small table in my kitchen and headed to the fridge.

"Make yourself at home, Ken." I looked in the fridge to see what I had to offer her to drink. I had some bottled water and beer of course. I had finished off the soda I had a couple days before and I had yet to make it back to the market to pick up more. "Would you like something to drink? I'm afraid I don't have much. I have water or beer. I think there might be a bottle of wine somewhere in the cabinet..." McKenna cut me off when she walked into the kitchen. She had taken off her jacket. I hadn't really noticed what she was wearing until that moment. She wore a tight navy-blue t-shirt that brought out the deep blue of her eyes with a pair of dark fitted jeans. They both hugged every perfect curve of her body and looking at her made my throat go dry. Suddenly I was totally aware of just how badly I wanted her. I could feel my pants tighten slightly and I had to subtly shift myself to make it a little more bearable.

"A beer sounds good," she smiled as she came up behind me. 'Oh, be still my heart' I thought to myself as I grabbed two beers and grabbed my bottle opener. Our fingers touched as I handed her the bottle and I smiled down at her. She held her bottle up to toast, "To friends reconnecting." I laughed softly and gently tapped my bottle to hers.

"To friends," I took a long swallow of my beer, trying desperately to ease my sudden nerves. I watched her move around my kitchen, and I couldn't help but feel like she belonged here. She belonged here with me and with Doom and Cello. I cleared my throat and grabbed my cell phone to call a local pizza place to order our pizza. "What do you like on your pizza?"

McKenna shrugged as she took a sip of her beer, "I'm a simple girl. Pepperoni is usually my go to pizza." I grinned over at her as I dialed the number.

"It's a classic for a reason." I ordered our food then filled Doom and Cello's bowls. "Why don't we go into the living room?" McKenna grabbed her beer and followed me over to the sofa. We sat down facing each other, close enough our knees touched. She looked around my flat and smiled at me.

"I love your place, Seb." I felt myself blush as I picked at the label on my beer bottle.

"It's not much, but it's home." She lay her hand on my arm and I looked up into her blue eyes.

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