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It's been six months and the studios has been getting more and more customers thanks to Anastasia placing a plaque in her windows. Jose really knew how to help me. My works and his are getting some real attention. Both of us are getting jobs as well as working in our own projects. He gets a third of all my sales and I get half of the walls for my pieces. The center we divide proportionally due to size of the works so far mine have dominated. I think it is because mine bring a lot more people right now. Anastasia gave me permission to sell the paintings I have of her. The ones that show her dressed to the nines. We went to a nice dress store and had her try on the dresses and I took photos of the best ones and then we went to a high end used clothing store and did the same thing. I had her try on a few wedding dresses and we did a number of different views. I got a thousand photos in all poses I could. The best one was of her in a wedding gown. She is standing in a pose looking up, like she is looking at her soon to be husband, it says it all. I painted all of it from the photos I took. I released one of her each week. Most wouldn't know her on the street, because she wears hoodies and caps. She looks like a short man if you didn't look too closely.I thought she was until she spoke when we first met. Jose has been everything he says he is and then some. He is opening a new place soon. He has brought in three more artists for that studio. My bank account has grown significant and he asked me to consider becoming his partner. I told him I would have to think about it. My paintings have been bringing in a lot of income and more than his photographs at this point. I have six months left on our original contract and I am glad for the chance he gave me, but I think I might be good on my own as well.
I am glad I made this deal with Shelby and then having Anastasia advertise who painted her van was a stroke of genius. It pulled my studio out of a slump and got people coming into see a lot of beautiful paintings the one of the young girl in a wedding gown was amazing. Shelby won't tell me who it is. She just says the person wants to remain anonymous and expects no money from posing for the pictures. I would love to take photos if the girl as well. Shelby won't tell me who she is. I have also been asked by a few of my regulars if she us single? I had to tell them I had no idea who she was and she could be my artist imagination at work. One said well she had no imagination on the dress, because that was my ex daughter laws dress when her son married her. I recall that wedding and divorce. Both made the society pages. I decided it to push it with Shelby on the identity of her model. I asked Shelby to model for me, but she said it had to be photos she would approve of and no nude anything. Chaste poses only. I can work with that.
Mom and dad are flying in for Christmas and treating themselves to a nice hotel room. I don't have the space in my apartment and they got an inexpensive suite for a week and got a military discount. I have to dress nicely to join them for dinner at the restaurant inside the hotel. I packed a bag to spend the week with mom and dad. There is going to be a huge Christmas party held there for GEH, so we have to eat early and can't go into the party area. We can go to the shops who will close early as well.
I am thrilled to see my baby girl, she has been so busy, but she makes time each day to call us. She has told us about Shelby and her paintings along with everything else going on, she was invited to a Christmas party, but decided she wants to visit with us instead.
Anastasia looks like she has lost weight. I worry about her. I will make sure she eats good while we are here. Shelby is doing great after a photographer noticed the VW and met with them. She has made a lot of money and is considering going out on her own soon. Anastasia is trying to double up on her courses to get her degree quicker. I have to say she looks like she's lost weight and could use a good meal or two. As far as doubling up, she might want to rethink it.
Anastasia invited me to dinner with her and her parents and I accepted. Jose asked to come along so I cleared it with Anastasia. We head to the hotel and see Anastasias VW in the guests parking lot. Someone is checking it out as usual, I love that my work gets a lot of attention. I am thinking of getting a vehicle and painting a new scene on it. Jose looks at the VW and smiles.
We walk into the restaurant and there is Shelbys model waving us over to a table including a couple. The man stands and greets Shelby with a hug and then shakes my hand. I immediately am shocked that I have known Shelbys model all this time. Anastasia Steele, her mother Carla is an older version of her. I ask her if she will allow photos of me, but she said she is under contract with Shelby, one she can't and won't break.

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