Everyone Wins

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It was the best hire SIP ever made hiring Anastasia Steele. She has brought so much to Grey Publishing since you has been back in the six months she has been editor. She worked with Barney on our web store and we have even bought her site so she wouldn't compete with us. Then we combined the two. Her authors loved signing their new contracts. Roz is thrilled at her bonus for transitioning SIP into Grey Publishing. Our profits started once we had the on line completed. Anastasia is now training new people to accept on line book submissions. Shelby is still independent, but she and the animators are well paid and kept very busy. Dad said I should have got into publishing sooner. We are starting our own Grey News outlet.. Roz is thinking we could expand into multimedia as well. But not sure of it yet. She has a couple of projects we could buy and put a few million into and get the right college grad to hit the ground running and it could interest the younger people.
Christian looked at me oddly when I mentioned younger people. He is turning thirty soon and so am I. We need young blood like Anastasia when we brought her on, she's about 24 I think. Barney is 21 we got him before he became 18. We stumbled onto him at a tech convention. He had just got his work permit and Christian had him and his parents come in and talk to us about hiring him. We had to follow strict guidelines and his parents had to sign the documents. Barney was a great find. He turned 18 and we offered him more money and an apartment full of his dream equipment. He updated all our servers the first month and then took a week off to rest. He hired his own staff and ran very thorough background checks for us.
I love working for GEH and we get all the newest high tech equipment before it is on the market. All the industry know a nod from me is a guaranteed sale. But I can also tell them to fix it if it is bad, so we get free equipment and they get free market testing. They can't use GEH or me in saying it has been test marketed. They are lucky just to get my evaluation of anything they send over. Now we are finally getting into a lot of on line sales and publishing, I presented a few other ideas and along with some ideas of getting into the multi media areas and Roz and I came up with a few places that could be bought cheaply and we can get fresh new faces right out of college. Mr Grey wants a presentation and the benefits and projections and cost of starting all of this and what it would take to get everything 8n place. I found a Media phenom and brought her in to chat with him. She just turned 21 and has built a following on line. The transition would be quick. She has the numbers and we have the ability to turn it into a cash concern. Bottom line it is about making the money and we are the kind of place Carrie Linden is willing to work for because of the charities Grey contributes to.
Carrie Linden
Barney charmed me into helping him do this presentation and they were impressed and asked how soon and what were the numbers along with how to get the licensing and all the other legal things we have to obtain. Then we have to update or build to suit both will be expensive.
I have asked Shelby and Anastasia to lunch with me Kate and Mia. We meet at Christians Mile High Club, not a name I would have chosen for it. But it does draw a good club. Of course lunch is on Christian, he and Elliott are joining us and so is Carrick for a change. Christmas is coming and we are extending an olive branch and inviting the ladies over.
I arrive and recall this is the lunch Grace was asking me about and I kept saying okay to. God I have to start listening better when she is getting into bed, but good Lord when she walks over in her gown it causes other things to spring to life and I have no idea what I am agreeing to. So I am going to grin and bear it at this lunch.
I am so happy I can still get him to agree to things at bed time. It's a win win situation. We both wake with a smile on our faces the next morning. I know he just realized what he agreed to.
I head to Christians private table and head inside and there sits Kate, dad, Mia, and Shelby.
I decide to drive Anastasia over to the club with me, at first she didn't think it was a good idea. I have her meet me in front if GEH and we head out. This is going to be an interesting lunch. Anastasia is now head editor and acquisitions  for on line submissions. She has three assistants under her. Two female and one male. All are very qualified and they all know what will bring in the money.
I didn't want to ride with Christian because the rumor mill already has us dating and some very spiteful and vengeful females are trying hard to get me fired. I avoid them like the plague and keep my security cameras hidden very well and have caught a couple of them trying to sabotage my work. They were caught before they had a chance. I lock my work up and leave crap work on my desk. Sad thing is we just started dating, Christian knows what is going on, but we have it under control so far. We finally arrive at the table and greet each other, I notice Kate is giving me and Shelby a dirty look. She is still trying to date one of the Grey's. We sit down after greeting everyone. 

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