An Uninvited Guest

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We have moved into the new house and have a lot of security. Elliott got me a job at GEH as a clerk and they have child daycare. Security is with us at all times. I have a cook/housekeeper, a driver and bodyguard and a nanny and a manny. Elliott wants Mathew and I at the wedding. Us being there means Kate Kavanagh can't be there. So they didn't send her an invitation. The wedding is going off without a hitch and I think with a job at GEH and living near Elliott we will be okay now. Elliott made sure my account had enough money in it and he paid back child support along with what I paid the hospital and doctors to have Mathew. We got Mathews name changed to Grey and a trust fund for him and me just in case. I am also attending college as well. Elliott wants to make sure I have a better job than being a clerk at GEH.
I am spoiling Mathew and Elliott has asked me not to do certain things, but we can't help it. Leila finally put her foot down and reminded me of how ill they both were recently and I stopped with a cookie as a treat when he behaved. It is now only after dinner and only after he cleans his plate. Shelby got two paintings done of Leila and Mathew, but now she has to concentrate on her wedding plans. Enid called about not getting an invitation for Kate and I had to explain why to her and she says I have to wrong about it, that Kate would never do that. I told her we went back in saved footage and Kate had been there when Mathew was born and she tried to enter the nursery. Even staff recalled the incident, since it's rare that someone attempted to grab a baby from a very secure environment. Guards were called to ask her to leave finally. They have that incident report and her name. She still couldn't see why Kate would do it, but said she understood it is Elliotts wedding and he can have who he wants there.
Mom couldn't get me an invitation to Elliotts wedding at all. She then questioned me on something Grace had told her I had done, I asked her if she really thought I would ever do anything of the sort. I really didn't lie, I just didn't tell her the truth or the whole story. I decided to call Mia, she didn't answer me. I called Anastasia and she didn't answer either. I am starting to think they know what happened but not exactly why I did it. I am checking on what I can do to stop this marriage. I can stand up and object to the marriage, but I need something that would definitely stop the marriage from taking place. Then I get an idea. I start researching and finding out how and when and possibly where and come up with an idea. Being in the media I can access things that normal people can't. Plus I know people who can help me out with this.
Having access to the Grey family I found an important document, it will come in handy.
Kate please stop and stop now. You could end up behind bars if you don't. You need to see a psychiatrist and soon. Eamon and I think we should have her committed at this point. We have someone monitoring her and finding out what she is up to. Any time she goes quiet is bad, very bad. Ethan has even told us we should be very worried.
We are getting married today and everything is going smoothly, a bit too smoothly considering there has been no issues with Kate since the hospital. Ethan has told us she's been very busy. He and his family will be there, but Kate hasn't mentioned anything about the wedding. Shelby said she thinks Kates going to try to object to the wedding. The Steeles are invited as well. Anastasia is the bridesmaid along with Christian being the best man. Everything came together quickly. Mathew is the ring bearer. Shelby and Leila are getting along no pretty well. They bumped heads maybe twice on something that turned out to be a misunderstanding.
Everything is going smoothly except for a couple of glitches between Leila and I, but we worked it out. Raymond is walking me down me down the aisle today. Ray put extra people on keeping Kate away from the wedding. So far all our family and friends have arrived and security is tight. We have security on Mathew and Leila.
I thought I saw a server that looked like Kate, but I could be imaging it, but told security anyway. They are searching for her even amongst the guest. They checked the rooms in their home and the restroom and closets. I am sitting watching Mathew carry the rings to his father. I am reminded of kind and generous Elliott has been and was to me. They get to the part where the minister asks if anyone has any just cause that would prevent them from marrying I hear a voice and u sure what is saying, but it stops the marriage from taking place. I don't know what or where the voice is coming from until everyone looks my way. I don't recall saying anything until I feel the gun pointed at my head.
I object on the grounds that if he marries her I will kill Leila the mother of his child, I hear gasps everywhere. Shelby take the boys hand and Elliott is trying to calm me down. My family are looking at me like I am insane.
I and my parents start moving towards the sides. No on has noticed how people are moving in unison towards Kate and Leila. I have my vest on and guns as well, my parents do as well. The minister is looking at Elliott and Shelby he completes the marriage ceremony and whispers you are now pronounced man and wife. They kiss and it's done. Kates family is trying to talk her out of what she is doing. Mom and dad have moved into position. Kates holding the gun tightly too tightly. Suddenly everything moves at once and the wedding guest get down low. A gun goes off.

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