Anastasia Steele Graduates Early

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I barely eat or sleep to get through the required courses and I tested out of some of the courses I needed and after two and half years I have gotten my degree and am looking for a job as an editor. I was hired by SIP as an assistant to a Jack Hyde. We haven't met yet and some employees have warned me about him. Shelby decided to find out somethings about him, without him knowing it.
Jack Hyde
I love getting these young girls as assistants straight from college. I can manipulate them and harass them, because they need this job and I can make life hard if they don't give in to what I expect for giving them a chance. They can't go to Hr because I have evidence and videos of us having sex in her office. She knows she better quash and sexual harassment complaint against me if she expects to keep her job and reputation. Right now I am going to play nice guy at least until I can get her where I want her that is. That won't take too long. After all she was stupid enough to take this job.
Christian Grey
Roz Bailey and I have been looking for something else to spread our wings in and found a few companies to invest in and we came up with a publishing company that we could use for more than one reason. It is in need of some restructuring and updating its way of publishing. They need to get into on line publishing. Barney has came up with some amazing strategies to open it up to on line books. So we have negotiated a deal and the agreement signing takes place at GEH today and the restructuring will take place in a months time. I am having the company moved into the GEH on the third floor. Elliott is doing the work and Barney is doing all the IT work. Security is doing background checks on the workers. Our Hr is going through all files and wedding out all the bad reviews and checking why they are bad.
I have two studios and Jose and I are opening a new place just for doing graphics for books and cartoons. We have hired an animation artist to help with certain things. I have retired from the service and so have the Steeles. They could be anywhere at this point. They made the decision to go into private work after the Christmas fiasco about two years ago. We steer clear of all the Grey family at all times, thank goodness we don't shop in the same places. We see the news reports on them a lot and they have visited my studio at times, but I have a back door and I leave and have Jose or our managers handle them. The restraining orders are still in effect. Kate Kavanagh still talks to us, when she isn't talking to Mia. They are still in college.
Kate told me that Anastasia has gotten her degree and is already working in publishing. She talks to Shelby a lot, so I decided to ask about Anastasia since I haven't seen her VW on campus in a while. Mom and dad were really insistent about us not having anything to do with Anastasia and Shelby, they files restraining orders against them both for our whole family. They should have done that for Denise. She broke into Elliott home on New Year's Eve, while we were in New York. She destroyed his place completely. At first we thought it might be Shelby, but she had a alibi a very good one. She was with Anastasia and her parents in Montesano. Her debit card purchases and videos of her buying gas helped. Denise didn't stop with his home, she broke in his office and security caught and had her arrested. So Denise is in jail and will be for a while.
I have bought a few more of Shelbys painting, but she is never there. She is still using Anastasia as a model. So they are still working together. Mia said she hasn't seen Anastasia or her VW on campus and she asked Kate why. Apparently Anastasia got her degree and is now working. I know the restraining order is still in effect. So I can guess we are being avoided like the plague. Mia said Anastasia transferred out of all the classes they had together. She made sure she and Mia were never in the same class ever again. A friend on staff told me I could rest easy that miss Steele was making sure her and Mia were not in the same classes at the same time.
Grace asked me about the restraining orders against Anastasia and Shelby and I confirmed they were still in effect and will remain so. I know she has been buying paintings that Shelby does and a few are of Anastasia. The most recent was of Anastasia working at her desk. It was simple yet showed a certain effort in the models work ethic. I asked if she saw Shelby or Anastasia and she told me they seem to be avoiding all of us.
I have tried to catch Shelby and she has moved and she won't answer my calls at her studios. They explain that she doesn't want to be bothered by me and there is a restraining order against her. Her attorney called me and asked me to cease and desist due to the restraining order in place. He told me to get the restraining dropped or he will file one against me to stop me from bothering miss Winston.
I found out that we are being bought by accident. I was trying to do my work and have my carry and conceal license renewed and have my holster under my jack along with my gun. I have been followed home a few times and it just now started. I have worked for SIP and for three weeks and this started a week afterward. I called my covert and Shelby and we started checking who it could be. Whoever it is has done this before, so I have a stalker.
It's Jack Hyde, that's his car and we followed him to his home. We have photos of him outside your home casing it. I am going to have someone check into his previous assistants and why they quit or were fired. Keep your vest and gun on you and let's up your self defense tomorrow. I don't want you alone with this guy.
I have both and renewed the licenses so I am good and we need to shoot soon.

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