A Body Amongst Us

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I watch as someone is shot and killed at Elliott and my wedding. We still can't tell who is shot. Mathew is hugging us both and crying. We are now married. What we didn't notice is Taylor holding a sniper rifle behind the altar. That man moves very quietly. No wonder Christian hired him, he has extraordinary skills and none you know about unless you are the target of his training.
It is hard to see Kate like this, but she is lying on the ground and Leila is trying to stop the bleeding after dialing 911. Leila has a mark on her head but not a gunshot wound. Eamon is trying to stayer the crowd to the reception areas when we see Kate alive but bleeding badly. EMTs are making their way through the crowd and we excuse ourselves and apologize to Elliott, Shelby and Leila. We definitely are having Kate committed.
When Leila told me she thought one of the servers looked like Kate we moved into position. Elliott saw me with my sniper rifle and he knew it was bad news. I told everyone to ignore me and continue the ceremony. My men were positioned around the wedding party and family. Anastasia and her parents came in at the end of the wedding. I did shoot Kate, I didn't get a clear shot. As I look I see what surprises me. Leila is handing over a gun and the cops are taking her statement. Leila shot Kate while she was paying attention to all the exterior guns pointed at her she failed to notice Leila pull one out and shot Kate. Luckily Kate had her safety on, Shelby trained Leila how to shoot and self defense. I am glad, because this could have turned out much worse.
I am so busy watching the guns pointed at me I failed to see the gun Leila pulled and shot the gun out of my hand. I tried the trigger and it didn't work I kept trying, my hand started gushing blood and I fainted. I couldn't even use the fake marriage license I created with a well known forgers hands.
I am able to see that Kate is alive her hand is bleeding badly. The gun in Leilas hand was tiny, but effective. Enid and I apologize and follow the EMTs out of 5he wedding and get into our car. We are having Kate committed if she survives this that is. Ethan is following us to the hospital.
I have Grace call ahead to see if they can put Kate on a 72 hour psychiatric hold after they fix her hand. The Kavanagh family is upset to say the least they forgot to take Eamon's parents with them , so we have a car and driver take them home. They figure they will be called about Kates condition. I have to fax the commitment and guardianship papers to Eamon at the hospital when he gets the direct number to fax them to him. We have been working on them for a while. Sadly we didn't have enough to have her committed until now.
That was scary and Mathew is crying for Leila. She is talking to the cops with Carrick present. She recently got her carry conceal weapon and a tiny gun. Elliott made sure Mathew had no access to the gun. Security keeps it and today they dressed her in a bullet proof vest and had her carry her gun loaded and showed her how to use the safety and how to tell when a safety of your assailants gun is on. She told me that after she asked me where the security chief was because she thought Kate was disguised as a server. She was correct.
I am glad we got the marriage completed, Taylor told us he wasn't the shooter. He thinks it was either Leila or Kate. I am hoping it was Leila.
Anastasia had moved in along with her parents, but we had to keep Mathew safe at this point. Everyone was moving away from where the sound of the shot came from. The EMTs are picking up Kate from the ground. The police are escorting Leila away from the scene and Carrick is following after them. Grace and the Kavanagh family are talking and they head to their cars. They forgot the grandparents, so Grace got a driver to take them home. At this point we are barely able to soothe Mathew. Finally the police allow her to rejoin us and Mathew is hugging Leila like she is his only life line and that's what she has been since he was born. I know this is going to be hard for all of us, but we can get through all of us.
We have to make sure Mathew knows he can trust us to be there for him through thick and thin. So I am thinking a family trip will help at first so he gets used to us. Leila will have to encourage him to allow us to be close to him. I think we need to use our honeymoon trip to get close to Mathew, but unsure what Shelby and Leila will take my suggestion.
I watched as Anastasia and her parents positioned themselves to subdue Kate, but the gunshot sounded and both women disappeared from sight and everyone moved away from the area. When the EMTs got there they put a bleeding unconscious Kate onto the gurney and a scared Leila Williams is being approached by policemen. Dad heads to her as she hands them her tiny gun. He tells them she is his client and is representing her. The Kavanagh family speak to mom and dad quietly and quickly. Then they leave all except the senior Kavanagh couple. Mom has a driver take them home. Anastasia and her parents check their weapons and holster them. I don't like guns, but in this moment a few lives got saved by a novice shooter because they learned to shoot and got their conceal carry permit. Leila made the right choice.

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