Chapter 10

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It’s been two months since I was in my own little world, me and Bella have had an amazing two months, we’ve forgot about the fight that lie’s a-head of us in the future. Emmett’s spoken to me and warned me that if I ever hurt his daughter again he will kill me, Rylie had a similar conversation with me.

Alice still hasn’t had a vision of the upcoming fight, which surprisingly has helped everyone forget about it for now. Edward, has being sent on his travels to finally find his mate one and a half months ago, Alice of course was the one kicking him out, with ‘Follow your heart’ as her goodbye, she wouldn’t give him any clue as to who she was or where she was, which if I was Edward, I would be pretty pissed.

Esme and Carlisle are their normal selves; relaxed and compassionate – always their if we need them, there the perfect grand-parents to Bella and Rylie, they love them with all their heart just like they do with the rest of us. Their happy that they will have a new daughter soon, when Edward arrives back home.

Both me and Emmett have being joking about telling Esme and Carlisle they could get a new son instead of a daughter. I mean it is Edward were talking about, nobody knows anything about what that prude’s sexuality is, but hey, each to their own.

We were all sat in the living room, doing our own thing after finishing the last day at school this week. Alice was on her computer, probably looking at the latest fashion. Rose was looking through a car magazine. Emmett and Rylie were of course on the Xbox. Carlisle was reading one of his medical books, Esme were sketching, she’s probably planning on decorating, and adding something to the house already. Me and Bella was playing a game of chess.

I was glad I started Bella off early with chess, she’s an expert now, but she did have the best tutor, it makes the game better for us.

A couple of minutes later Alice went into a vision. At times like this I wish Edward was here so he could tell us what she was seeing. A minute later she came out of her vision with worry written all over her face. “What did you see Alice?”  Carlisle asked her, when he noticed she hadn’t told us what she had seen. “Nomads, three of them. They’ll be coming when we go and play baseball tommorow” Alice told us the basics.

“Should we be worried?” Esme asked her, she hates violence, just like her mate, their perfect for each other. “No, I don’t think so” Carlisle was quiet for a couple of seconds before he told us the plan of action.

It was decided that we were to leave Edward on his adventure for love and not to worry about our visitors but we needed to be on our guard just in case a fight breaks out. I know it might sound horrible but the only person who I’m going to worry about is Bella, it’s a male’s instinct to care about your mate than anyone else.

Nobody seemed to worried about the nomads, me I wasn’t worried, I knew I could take the three of them out within seconds by myself, so the others wouldn’t even have to move so I knew we would be fine, that’s if they didn’t recruit any others on their way here.

The next day we all got changed into our baseball kit, before we headed to the clearing, I could tell everyone was on the edge, scanning the area constantly, when I looked at Bella, she didn’t seem bothered about the newcomers coming. In all honesty, Bella’s got this dangerous look to her, like she’d know what to do when she’s in a battle, I bet if she was in the wars with me, the new-borns would run for miles from us both, but I’m glad Bella wasn’t in the wars with me, it’s not something I would allow, I would have ripped Maria apart.

Rylie didn’t want to play baseball, he wanted to relax while playing on his new ps-vita, so Esme was on base all the time, and then it was me, Carlisle and Emmett vs Bella, Rose and Alice. Just like usual Alice was pitching for their team. Bella still hasn’t lost her new born strength or speed, but she can control it, so when we play baseball, it’s hard to get a home run with Bella fielding.

We had been playing for half an hour when Alice shouted “STOP!” We all gathered together, I noticed Carlisle and Emmett pushing their mates behind them, like me, while Rylie stood in front of his Aunt Alice.

A couple of seconds the three nomads was walking through the tree line. There was a male with dreadlocks who was taking the lead but didn’t look like the coven leader, another male with long blonde hair flanked him on one side, while a female with bright red hair flanked the dreadlock man on the other side.

“My name is Laurent and this is James and Victoria” The man with dreadlocks, who I now know is Laurent introduced himself and his friends. “Welcome, my name is Carlisle and this is my family Esme, Emmett, Rose, Riley, Bella, Jasper and Alice.” Carlisle introduced us but didn’t point out who was who.

I noticed Rylie scanning the new comers, but when his eyes landed on the female – Victoria, he gasped, and stared at her. It wasn’t until I felt both of their emotions that I realised that Rylie as just met his mate. “Holy shit!” I whispered, Bella looked at me with a raised eyebrow, but I just shook my head, not wanting to be the one who spills out what had just happened.

“We were just passing the area, when we came across your scent and we decided to check it out” Laurent explained. I noticed James kept shifting his eyes from Rylie to Victoria, I could tell by his emotions that Victoria was nothing but a quick fuck and a pet to him, someone who gets used and abused.

“Well, we own a permanent residents nearby, please keep from feeding in the area” Carlisle explained to them. “Of course, we just fed not far from here” Victoria told us, but never taking her eyes off of Rylie.

“Ok does someone want to explain what the fuck is going on with my brother and Victoria?” Bella asked, what everyone else was thinking but nobody said anything, I could tell Alice was in complete shock, I certainly was, god knows how everyone else will feel. I’m glad he’s found his mate, but Rose, I don’t think she will see it that way, because her she won’t be the most important woman to him anymore.

“You’re brother’s met his mate” I told her, and answering everyone else’s mind questions. Hey, I might not be a mind reader like Eddie boy, but I could tell they were all wondering what the hell was going on between them both.

Nobody said anything, until James started growling and staring at Rylie with pitch black eyes. I was shocked when Bella appeared in front of Rylie, growling at James, like I said earlier she could make new-borns run for miles.

Rylie huffed before pulling her out of his way. “Rylie” Bella growled, I noticed everyone shuddered at how menacing her voice sounded, me I had a huge smile on my face, my woman is one scary vamp.

“No, she’s mine” James growled, ignoring the brother and sister argument that was going off in front of him. I looked at Victoria and she was looking at James with daggers in her eyes.

“You fucking lied to me, you said we were mates, even when I told you it didn’t feel right. You used me James” Victoria growled before walking over to Rylie. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

James went to lunge for Rylie but Bella met him half way in the air and slammed him to the floor with her hand around his neck. I was quickly by her side in case I was needed, but surprisingly, she jumped off of him and joined the rest of our family. “Leave” Bella growled and the two of them did just that but not before James had the last word. “I’ll be seeing you soon” Then they were gone. We all looked at Bella with our jaws hanging. “Holy shit, mother fucker, my daughter is one scary vamp” Emmett whispered, everyone else nodded in agreement. Rylie and Victoria was just stood staring at each other.

“Come on Rylie, we can go home, then you and Victoria can go in mine and Jasper’s room, it’s sound proof, thanks to daddy” Bella smiled at Rylie. “Thanks Bells” Bella nodded before jumping on my back, indicating it was time to head back, and all talk about what the hell as just happened, and when Bella become such a scary and evil vamp.

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