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It’s being 3 days since Xavier brought Alice back with her ashes. Bella and Rylie have being a mess, these past three days because what they said to her last time they saw her even though Edward as told them many of times that Alice doesn’t blame them, it was the only way she knew she could save us and not have her feel the mating bond after her ‘mate’ had died.

We were all currently in Alice’s room waiting for her to wake up, all of us men had our mates behind us in case Alice lashes out.

We waited about 2 minutes when her eyes flashed open, what surprised me though was she still had her golden eyes, nobody said anything. Alice sat up and looked at all of us with a confused look on her face. “What? I’m not going to go all newborn on you” Alice laughed at us, not even a second later Bella dived on her and gave her a hug that’s she’s being wanting to give her Aunt for the past couple of days. “Whoa” I heard Alice mumble. “I guess you missed me” Alice laughed. “You bet your ass we did” Bella told her after getting off of Alice.

“I guess you got my letter then?” Alice asked her. “Yep, but don’t you do anything like that to us again” Bella growled at her, which made us all chuckle, Bella’s being down in the dumps for the past three days.

“I heard your dad found Harry the sea serpent” Alice laughed, but Bella had a smile on her face. “You remember?” Rylie asked Alice. “What, about Bella’s favourite blue duck?” Alice asked confused. “Xavier told us that there was a chance you could lose your memories” I told her. “Xavier?” Alice questioned us looking around. “He’s downstairs with Peter and Char, we didn’t want to overwhelm you” Bella told her.

“Nice to have you back sis” Emmett whispered to Alice while giving her one of his famous bear hugs. After all the hugs and welcome backs, we headed downstairs. “Aren’t you thirsty Aunt Alice?” Rylie asked her. “Nope” Carlisle looked thoughtful, “It’s strange, it’s like you’ve picked up where you left off” Carlisle told her.

After we introduced Alice to Xavier we all sat in the living room. “what happened anyway?” Alice asked a couple of minutes later. So we told her everything that happened since the volturi arrived and how they had one of their minions make a mating bond between Alice and Felix, to say she was pissed was an understatement. “So your telling me I was killed for no fucking reason” Bella’s jaw went slack, along with the rest of us. “Holy shit, Aunt Alice as come back with a vengeance” Bella whispered. “I’m glad their fucking dead” Bella was the first one to come out of her state of shock and went to jump in to her Aunt Alice’s lap but was stopped by Xavier who was crouched in front of Alice before Bella had chance to get anywhere near Alice.

“What the hell. I just want to give my Aunt a hug Xavier, now move the fuck out of my way before I rip you to fuckin pieces” Bella hissed at him. I heard a growl come from Alice but she was shocked. What the fuck? “Holy shit” Bella whispered. “Bella, language” Esme told her. “Sorry Nanna” Bella told her giving Esme her famous puppy eyes.

Alice was looking at Xavier than back to us with confusion written all over her face. “Does anyone else see what I see?” Bella questioned looking at us like we were missing something, after everyone shook their head ‘no’ she huffed before carrying on. “Look at how Xavier is infront of Aunt Alice, doesn’t it remind you of what a male does when he thinks his mate is in danger?” All of our jaws dropped after hearing that, including Xavier and Alice. “Holy sh-“ I whispered, but stopped after I saw the look Esme was giving me. Nope defiantly not going to be finishing off what I was going to say.

“Looks like you found you true mate sis” Emmett boomed, which made us all chuckle but it looked like Alice and Xavier were in a state of shock. “M-mate?” Alice stuttered, she was scared and I knew why. “It’s not like Felix Alice” I told her, she looked at me and smiled, but it were weak. “Do you think we’d let you go through that again Alice?” Edward asked her. “Yeah were family Alice, we stick together” Rose joined the conversation. “The Volturi are gone Alice their not coming back” Sophia told her. “You can always talk to me Alice, I know what it’s like being manipulated” Victoria told her. “Besides Xaviers scared of the Major, so he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you” Peter told her while laughing.

“I think we should leave the two to talk” Esme told us. “Wait” Alice spoke up. She looked at all of us. She ran over to Bella and they both started dry sobbing. “Don’t forget our shopping trip” Alice whispered to Bella. “I’ve missed you” Bella whispered back, before pulling back. “Go talk with your mate, just call us if you need us” Bella told her pushing her over to Xavier.

We all headed outside to give them both some semblance of privacy. “Now what?” Rylie asked breaking the silence. “I wanted to show Bella something, come on princess” Emmett told us, we all decided to follow him. He headed in to the woods, all of us confused, until we came to a meadow with flowers all-over. “Do you remember it?” Emmett asked her. “Oh my god” Bella whispered looking around. “We used to come here just me and you before we moved. It was our own quiet place, you told me that I had to keep it quiet from mummy, because she didn’t like the thought of me in the woods” Emmett smiled and nodded. “Do you remember the tree?” Emmett asked her with nothing but hope in his voice. Bella ran over to a tree and went behind it. We followed her and she was nowhere to be seen. We looked at Emmett for him to explain, he didn’t say anything it just crawled in to an hole that was in the tree, we all looked confused but followed him anyway.

We had to crawl until we came to some ladders, after getting to the top of them we came out into a big open room, I looked around and it had pictures of the whole family against the walls, with some of Bella’s old toys when she was younger. Bella walked over to a desk and pulled out a draw, in their were some drawing that Bella did, and for a ¾ year old they were pretty good, she looked at them and smiled. I loved over them and they were drawings of me and Bella doing different activities that we used to do together. “Wow” Rylie whispered looking around.

“What do you guys think?” Bella asked us. “It’s amazing” Rose told her smiling down at her daughter. “Daddy made me it” Bella told us. “Why?” Esme asked Emmett. “I wanted somewhere for us both to go together and something to be ours. A fathers and daughters place just for the two of us” Emmett told us while pulling Bella to his side and giving her a hug. He was an amazing dad. “Why didn’t you tell us you draw Bella?” Rose asked her. “I don’t know I think I just wanted me and daddy to have our own little thing and that included drawing” Bella shrugged. “There amazing sweetie” Carlisle praised her. “Thanks granddad” Carlisle smiled at her.

“There are a lot of good memories at this house” Esme whispered with a smile on her face leaning against Carlisle. “There sure is, it’s when our family started to come together, when our family started to become complete” Carlisle told her looking at Bella with a smile on his face.

You would think that Rylie would be jealous with how much attention Bella gets, but he knows we don’t treat him differently, it’s just Bella was the first human to come in to our family and accept us who we were, and that alone is an amazing thing.

We all sat around in Bella’s tree house that Emmett did an amazing job with, from outside you couldn’t even tell it was there, he built it with how the tree was, it was amazing, it proves when he puts his head in to it he can do something amazing.

We all headed back to the house, but soon turned back around and headed to the meadow we was at earlier because of the noises we could hear coming from Xavier and Alice. That is something I don’t want to see – my sister and her mate going at it like rabbits.

“I’ll text aunt Alice to let us know when it’s safe to head back” Bella mumbled, shivering in disgust, I guess like me she doesn’t want to see her Aunt Alice go at it. 

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