Chapter 14

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None of us wanted to toss Alice on to the pyre, no matter what she’s being like family to all of us for years now, so Peter decided he would do it for us, but he made a separate pyre for her, that confused me. Just as he chucked her on to it we heard Bella “STOP!”

We all turned around as Bella ran out in to the garden with a letter in her hand. “Bella, darling what’s wrong?” I asked her. “Where’s Aunt Alice?” Her question shocked me, she looked so distraught, she looked around the garden before falling to the floor clutching the letter to her chest repeating “no, no, no” Carlisle walked over to her and bent down next to her. “Bella, sweet pea what’s wrong?”

“She did this for us” Bella whispered to him, if we wasn’t close we wouldn’t of heard her, by now the rest of the family was outside with us looking at Bella with confusion. Carlisle read the letter that Bella had passed him before falling to his knees next to Bella.

I grabbed the letter out of his hand and read it out to everyone else; everyone had tears that wouldn’t fall in their eyes.

“Everything I said to her, those were my last words to my Aunt, we killed our Aunt” Rylie mumbled. I looked over to Bella and she was still in a ball on the floor, I walked over to her and picked her up and carried her in the living room until I realised it was demolished so I headed to the dining room, where we usually sit for family meetings. Rose, Emmett, Rylie and Victoria joined us, sitting next to us.

One by one everyone walked in to the dining room, everyone’s emotions was affecting me too much, all I wanted to do was curl in to a ball and cry my eyes out. I think Bella could feel this as not a second later there were no emotions; I was able to relax a bit and just feel my own emotions.

“Peter where’s this friend of yours who can fetch people back with the ashes?” Bella spoke up from my lap. “She wanted this to happen Bella, nothing can change that. She won’t be able to exist without her mate” Rylie snapped at her. “Actually, one of Aro’s puppets can manipulate others bonds, there was never a mating bond there. Aro wanted Alice on his side; there was no other way then to ‘mate’ her to one of his guards. Alice didn’t know about it though, she thought they were actual mates. Aro’s had all this set up for a while now” Peter told us all.

“So you can fetch my Aunt Alice back to life?” Rylie whispered. “I can’t but I know someone who can, but I don’t think the Major is going to like it” Peter mumbled the last part. “Who?” I asked him, wondering who I hate. “Xavier from Maria’s army, he never died in a battle, he escaped.” As soon as the word Xavier was out of his mouth I was growling. “Why did you never tell me this” I hissed at him.

“I knew we would need him one day, and if I did tell you then, you would of sent scouts out to find the sleezball and killed him” I knew he was telling the truth because that’s exactly what I would of done then, I was an evil, sadistic monster, until I met Edward and Alice. It was with that thought that made me come to a decision. Alice helped me so now it’s time to return the favour. “Where is he?” I asked Peter. “Somewhere in Mexico” My eyebrows shot up, why the hell is he so close to Maria. “She’s dead Major” Peter told me answering my silent question.

“What? When? Who?” I asked him, completely shot. “Xavier, a few years back. He did it for revenge for everything she did to us all, but he told me he did it more for you than anyone” My jaw was on the floor.

Xavier used to be a little trouble maker back in the compound, always starting fights with other new-borns, but because of his gift and his fighting skills Maria let him live after his newborn year. We all thought he had died in a battle when he never came back, not once did it ever cross my mind he escaped.

“We need to go for him” Bella demanded jumping from my lap, she ran outside with a little glass bottle, she was back within seconds. “Not all of her ashes were there, does it matter?” She asked Peter. “I don’t think so Bells, but I must warn you, she might not remember some of her memories” Peter told us all looking around.

“I don’t care, I want my Aunt Alice back, so I can strangle her to death for scaring me like that, and then apologize for everything” Bella snapped. “I’m with Bells on this” Rylie jumped in.

“Let’s go” Bella snapped, nobody said anything, we just all headed towards Mexico, Bella wouldn’t let go of the bottle with Alice’s ashes, she said she would keep them safe. Nobody said anything, they were all hopeful that we could get Alice back.

It took us a while to arrive at Mexico, but as soon as we crossed the border Peter said he could smell Xavier, so we all followed Peter.

A couple of hours we found Xavier sat on a tree log whistling. “Xavier” Peter was the first to make our presence known. “Peter” he acknowledged. “We need a favour from you” I told him, he looked at me and I could feel his fear. “Major” He nodded. “Oh cut the shit, I need you to fetch my Auntie back” Bella snapped. “You’re a bossy little thing aren’t you” Xavier laughed. Bella lunged at the fucker and had him on the floor with her hand around his throat. “Listen here jackass; I haven’t got time for your fucking stupid chit chat. You either fetch my Auntie back all I’ll have my mate do what he should of done years ago for fucking escaping Marias army” Bella snapped at the fucker. “Y-you’re the Majors mate?” Xavier asked. “Xavier, meet Major’s mate Bella” Peter introduced them.

“Okay, I’ll do it” I smiled to myself; my mate is one scary vamp. “Can we go to your house though as it will be best if she wakes up in an environment she will be staying at for a while” Xavier asked. Carlisle nodded. “We can head to our house in Forks” Carlisle told us, we nodded before running to Forks, Washington.

“Isn’t Forks where you found me mum?” Bella asked Rose. “It sure was sweet pea” I smiled at them, it’s amazing how fast the years have gone. It doesn’t seem two minutes ago that Bella first joined our family even though it was like 17 years ago. I can still remember the day I found her and how grown up she looked and spoke.

“We should hunt on the way” Carlisle spoke up. I didn’t realise that Edward and Sophia had being quiet the whole time. “What’s wrong Edward?” I asked him. “I knew of her plan” before I could say anything Bella was kicking off. “What do you mean you knew” Edward raised his hands. “I only knew bits and pieces, from her passing thoughts, I didn’t know what it was all about until the Volturi showed up” Edward quickly told her.

“You knew that my Aunt Alice was going to die and you didn’t do anything to stop it” Bella growled. “Easy sister” Rylie whispered in her ear holding her back from killing Edward. “He knew what was happening” Bella snapped. “Only from Aunt Alice’s passing thoughts” Rylie calmed Bella down. “Sorry Uncle Edward” Bella whispered. “It’s fine, I know you miss your Aunt Alice” Bella gave him a weak smile, before heading toward Forks with the rest of us. Hopefully Alice will keep her memories unlike when she was first changed. 

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