Chapter 15

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Nobody spoke the rest of the run to Forks, everyone was all feeling hopeful especially Bella and Rylie but they also felt regretful, probably because what they both said to Alice before she died. Carlisle and Esme wanted their daughter back, knowing that Aro manipulated Alice’s bonds to have her on their side. Edward was regretful that he knew bits and pieces of what was going to happen and didn’t say anything about it to any of us. I could tell Emmett and Rose hated seeing their children distraught of losing their Aunt, but hated that their sister had died.

Bella was especially close to Alice, especially when she was younger, if she couldn’t talk me or her parents she spoke to Alice, she was one person who knew what do to do have the positive outcome, she was amazing, and I will always be grateful for her bringing Bella and Rylie into our lives because If Bella didn’t join us either would have Rylie.

Victoria and Sophia was never close to Alice, in fact they wasn’t close to any of us except their mates, they both was nomads before or in Victoria’s case a nomad in a coven who was lied to and used for sex, but they were both hopeful that we would have Alice back with all of her memories.

It didn’t take us long to return to our Forks home. “Wow” Bella and Rylie whispered. “Can you not remember it princess?” Emmett asked Bella, Rylie had never being to our home in Forks. “Not really, I can remember Mum bathing me with my favourite rubber duck, the blue one” We all laughed at that. “You took that duck everywhere with you, you said it was your best friend after J” Rose laughed; I could tell if Bella were human she would be blushing. It was good to laugh and remember a few memories with the past couple of days we’ve had.

Everyone went into the house but Emmett disappeared straight away, but Edward started chuckling to himself obviously listening to Emmett’s thoughts. He came down a few minutes later with Bella’s favourite blue duck. “Look Princess I’ve found your blue duck” Bella looked over at him and ran over to him and to the duck out of his hands. “You found Harry the sea serpent” Bella blurted out before clamping her hand over her mouth. “What did you call him sis?” Rylie laughed out, she never told any of us what she called him. “Harry the sea Serpent” Rylie ended up falling off his seat and taking Victoria with him. Everyone else was trying their best not to laugh.

“I was 3 guys!” Bella huffed stomping her foot, with that everyone couldn’t hold their laughter in anymore. Sometimes Bella lets her childish side come out full force, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Not that I don’t enjoy running down memory lane, but can we fetch Aunt Alice back before we carry on maybe we could do it and remind her” Bella sobered us all up, I realised she was still clutching on to her Aunt’s Ashes. “Where shall we do this?” Xavier asked. “Upstairs in to her room” Carlisle told him. It were decided that Xavier, Peter and Carlisle would be the ones to go upstairs while the rest of us waited down here.

“What if she hates me?” Bella whispered a few minutes later. “She won’t hate you Bells, remember the letter” I told her while placing a kiss on her forehead. “How long will it take?” Sophia asked from Edwards lap. “3 day’s” Peter answered walking downstairs with Xavier and Carlisle behind him. “Her body will be back in a few hours, but you could say she’d be going through the change again” Xavier told us. “So we could go up soon and speak to her, would she hear us?” Bella asked him with nothing but hope. “Yes, she will hear you but she won’t be able to talk to you” Xavier answered her, still a bit weary. “What about with Uncle Eddie being able to read minds?” Rylie asked him. “That might work” Xavier told us shrugging his shoulders.

We all sat around and talked for a few hours. All of a sudden I felt a new set of emotions and Edward’s surprise. “I can hear her thoughts” Edward told everyone the same time I said “I can feel her emotions”. Bella and Rylie quickly ran upstairs everyone else went to follow but I told them to give them both some alone time.


Oh no I’m in hell, I can feel myself burning. Oh no, I’m sorry, please not hell. It felt the exact way it did when I were first changed in to a vampire. I hope Bella got my letter and showed it to the rest off them, I hope they don’t hate me. I hate what I did to my family but it was the only way to have them alive and me not to have the horrible mate that I did. I just hope one day they would forgive themselves for what they had to do, I know Bella will carry the burden with her for the rest of her existence, but I’m glad she had Jasper to help her with it.

“Aunt Alice?” I heard someone whisper, it sounded just like Bella. “Oh Aunt Alice, I’m so sorry for what I said. Please forgive me. Please don’t hate me” What was Bella doing talking to me? I’m dead. “I’m sorry to Aunt Alice. We both love you dearly. You’re the best Aunt anyone could ever have” I heard someone else talking to me and it sounded just like Rylie.

“I got your letter, but by the time I were downstairs they already burnt you, It killed me, but I remembered Peter’s friend who can fetch others back with their ashes so I quickly ran out to get some of your ashes. I know you didn’t want it this way but Aro manipulated your bonds and had someone mate you to Felix. He isn’t your true mate Aunt Alice, you did it all for nothing. I’m sorry, but I promise when you come back to us I promise you can take me shopping till your heart desires and I won’t complain once, and I’ll let you play Bella Barbie” I must be dreaming, Bella actually letting me take her shopping is one thing that won’t happen, she hates shopping. “Please come back to us Aunt Alice” I felt someone kiss my forehead. What the hell is going on? But Bella’s words came back to me I remembered Peter’s friend who can fetch others back with their ashes so I quickly ran out to get some of your ashes’


After Rylie kissed Aunt Alice’s forehead he left the room leaving me with her. I broke down, “Please Aunt Alice, come back to us fine, remember everything. I can’t cope without my Aunt. Please say you’ll forgive me. I love you.” I dropped my head onto her bed and grabbed her hand and sobbed tears that would never fall. “Please Aunt Alice, don’t make me do something stupid” I whispered.

Within Seconds the rest of the family were up in the room, Jasper was at my sides hugging me. Edward looked at Aunt Alice before a smile broke on his face. “She said stop it Bella, of course she forgives you and she’ll take you up on your offer of shopping” My head shot up. “She’s talking to you?” I whispered, he nodded before he laughed. “She said she might not have her eyes open but she can feel you staring at her, and if you carry on apologizing it’s going to be a two week trip in Paris shopping” I groaned. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop” everyone laughed. It felt so good to laugh after the past couple of days. Truth be told I would go through a two week shopping trip in Paris if it meant my Aunt was back, but I wouldn’t tell her that, she’ll drag me everywhere.

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