Chapter 13

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Stupid fucking Volturi, thinking they can just come here and rat off some stupid fucking lie and destroy us, and Alice she’s lucky I don’t kill her. I was shocked when Marcus stood up to Aro, but earing that he killed his own sister so he could keep Marcus; all because he wanted to go away for a couple of months is fucking shocking.

Felix, I’m quite shocked he’s still alive and not a piece of limbs in our living room the way he spoke to me, there was both Rylie and Jasper who wanted to rip him to pieces.

“Major” I heard Peter’s voice bringing me out of my thoughts, I looked at the doorway and realised it was Peter and Char along with a woman. I quickly pulled them under my shield so Jane or Alec didn’t try anything. “Peter” Jasper acknowledged them. “Marcus” I eared the woman whisper with so much love. “Didyme?” Aro questioned with nothing but shock in his voice.

“Aro” She sneered, Holy shit, it’s Marcus’s wife! I quickly pulled Marcus under my shield so he could get to his mate, if Peter was helping them then I knew they were no danger. Marcus walked over to his mate with a smile on his face, while Peter and Char headed towards me and Jasper.

“Hi Bells” Char whispered to me. “You have a lot of explaining to do sis” I growled at her with a smile on my face. “Blame that all knowing husband of mine” I smiled and winked at her. “You can head off now Marcus, Didyme. I’ll let the Cullen’s know everything later” Peter told them.

Didyme gave them both a hug while Marcus shook Peter’s hand and kissed Char’s cheek and thanked them before quickly running out of the door with their hands in each other’s.

I looked at the Volturi and they was all slacked jaws all except Alice she had a wistful smile on her face. Not a second later Jane lunged at me.

I made sure my mental shield was still around my family, I removed the physical one knowing that we wasn’t going to get out of this without fighting. I crashed into Jane in the air and slammed her on to her back with my hand around her throat. Not even thinking I put my shield around her and put it so tight around her that she was a pile of ash with a blink of an eye. What.the.actual.fuck?

I looked at my family and they all had slack jaws staring at me, I knew what I looked like – a slack jaw and my eyes were probably popping out of my head. “Told you” I heard Peter mumble to Jasper once he let go of him. I didn’t realise he let the major out. Holy shit he could of destroyed the family, he could do what he wants to the Volturi but our family he’d regret it and wouldn’t be able to live with himself. He told me what he was like when he left Maria with his depression, I didn’t want him to be like that again so I quickly headed back to his side where I belonged.

All of a sudden I heard a deathly growl I looked were it was coming from and realised it was coming from Alec, Jane’s brother. “Hold it Alec” Aro warned him, before turning to look at Granddad. “Please we mean no disrespect, we will take our leave now and not bother you again.” Aro begged. “I’m sorry Aro but I can’t do that. Not only have you come to destroy us but also played us from day one. Today is the last day you or your family will live” granddad growled. Holy shit granddaddy’s mad.

“Bella wrap them all in your shield except for Renetta behind Aro” Peter whispered just load enough for me to hear, I did as he told me to and I looked at Renetta and noticed her eyes were wide. I smiled at her. Looks like your shield can’t do fuck all against mine. Who’s laughing now bitch? I heard Edward chuckle, my head snapped in his direction. Can you hear my thoughts? I asked him in my head completely shocked, he nodded his head and smiled at me. All this happened in seconds.

Peter quickly lunged for Aro, Jasper went for Caius, daddy went for Demetri, Char went for Alice, Rylie went for Felix, and Edward went for Alec, the rest of us stood there twiddling our thumbs just watching the others fight. I looked around and realised the house was trashed already. Nana’s going to be pissed.

I noticed Renetta sneaking away out of the corner of my eye, so I quickly lunged at her. I quickly pulled my physical shield around my family and myself so they couldn’t get bitten and did the exact same thing I did with Jane to Renetta, I wanted to finish this quickly, I had a feeling there was something more to this then we thought.

I looked at the rest of my family and realised there was none of the Volturi left except limbs in our house, that was completely smashed. I noticed Nana was looking around pissed that her house was smashed, but a least she had something to do now, she’s being moaning about having nothing to do.

I had Jasper, mum and dad checking if I was alright and I realised Victoria was doing the same to Rylie as was Sophia to Edward. I looked over everyone but then I caught Peter nod at me. Was I right about there being more to this then what we all thought?

Granddad, Peter, Rylie, Jasper, Edward and daddy went outside to burn the Volturi, while the women all headed to their bedrooms to get changed before tidying up, so It was just me alone looking around the living room, but something inside me was telling me to head up to Alice’s room.

I walked in and the first thing I see is a note on her bed. I quickly head over to it and read it.


I am so sorry about this, it was the only way, everything I told you in your life is the truth you have and always will be my niece, no matter what you think, I’ve always loved you from the day I saw you on my visions. You have shown me a lot of different things in my time of knowing you, for example it shouldn’t matter what you wear, people should just accept you for who you are no matter what.

You showed me how to enjoy my existence, and have a good laugh. All yours and your dad’s pranks I saw but I thought you should have your fun, I mean if it wasn’t for the pranks life would have being boring.

You have no idea how hard it is to write this, or how hard it’s going to be to sit downstairs knowing my end was coming from my own family, but like I told you before, everything you do matters weather you believe it does or doesn’t.

I hope you and Jasper have a beautiful time together, I hope everything I’ve seen happens because you will both live a happy and long existence.

I know what you will say to me when we are all having our confrontation and I want to tell you now EVERYTHING I’ve told you is in fact the TRUTH. Please don’t feel guilty about it because I know you Bella, and I know it would eat you up inside until you explode and that I don’t want to happen, especially now I won’t be here to tell the other that they need to be careful because Isabella’s going to go hormonal on them. Ha-ha.

If you look in my draw there’s a picture of me and you and I want you to keep it to remember me by, but If you don’t want it I understand.

Now for why I’ve done this. I couldn’t help who my mate was and I didn’t like being associated with the Volturi. I ran in to Felix when I was in Italy for a fashion show, we headed to the Volturi so he could introduce me to his ‘family’ – if you can even call them a family. That’s where it all started, they thought because I was mated to Felix that I was loyal to them aswel, when really I didn’t wanted to be mated to him, I didn’t even know it was coming. I know shocking, Alice Brandon doesn’t know something. Felix told me the Volturi’s plan to destroy the Cullen’s. I tried to see a way out of it and this is the only way how it got me away from my mate and not leaving me alive with the pain of losing him aswel as keeping my family alive.

I am truly sorry to everyone. I’m going to miss Carlisle’s and Esme’s guidance and support, Rose’s bitchiness even though I knew she loved me, Emmett’s bear hugs, Edward’s nosey mind, Sophia I need to thank for telling me everything that happened in my human life, even if it was horrendous and I’m sorry we wasn’t closer, Victoria I hope you look after my nephew and I hope you both enjoy your existence together, Jasper I’m going to miss your calming vibes and you best look after my niece or I will be haunting you ass, Riley don’t forget what I told you never hold grudges.

Love Alice x

“STOP!” I shouted while running downstairs with venom in my eyes. “Bella, darlin what’s wrong?” Jasper asked me once I made it outside. “Where’s Aunt Alice?” I asked looking around and realised everyone was burnt. “No, no, no” I repeated while falling to my knees clutching the letter to my chest. “Bella, sweet pea what’s wrong granddad asked me. “She did this for us” I whispered while passing him the letter that Aunt Alice left for us. My selfless Aunt Alice, I will never forget her for the rest of my existence, I am truly going to miss her.

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