Chapter 5

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My daughter is so crafty; she has me wrapped around her finger. She has me that whipped that I said I’d get her a car and she’s only 15, but hey if it keeps her happy, that’s all I want for her – to see that perfect smile on her face.

“Come on daddy” my Princess told me while jumping in to my lap. I find it amazing how she can be herself around us all. “Wait. You get a BMW no Ferraris or anything” Rose told our daughter. “Yes mum” Bella told her before giving her a kiss on her cheek.

Bella finally decided to get a BMW Series 1 in black; she fell in love with it. I already had Jenks get her a driving licence, obviously with a fake date of birth. As soon as I told her she could drive it home she was ecstatic. “Thank you, thank you, thank you” Bella was literally bouncing up and down. I had her put on mine and Rose’s insurant. “You’re welcome princess, come one I’ll follow you” She squealed before jumping in her car.

God could she drive, I freaked out the whole way, she was driving too fast for a human, I’ll have to speak to her when we get home and set some ground rules.

We arrived home with the whole family waiting outside for us, Bella skidded outside the house and gravel flew on to everyone. “Do you like it?” She asked everyone while she leant against her car. “I’m setting rules Bella, you cannot drive like that, do you understand?” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t role your eyes at me Bella, I’m only saying this because I love you” She nodded her head reluctantly. “Do you mean it Bella?” Jasper asked her, I knew he was going to test her emotions. “Yes” She hissed giving Jasper her famous puppy eyes. “You’re lying Bella, you know better than to lie to me. You have to mean it or you’re not driving it” Yes go Jasper. “Ok I mean it I will drive the legal speed limit” Jasper smiled. “Good, now come on inside for something to eat” Rose told her.

“Can I go to McDonalds, please?” Bella asked Rose. “Fine, but someone goes with you” Jasper obviously offered, wanting to spend time with his mate. They had been gone 20 minutes when there was a knock at the door with two human heartbeats.

“Ah Dr Cullen. Can I come in?” Someone asked. “Of course Verona” Ah Verona, I thought we didn’t need any more visits? I quickly text Jasper and told him what was going on, and told him he needs to drive back and say the cars his. “Ah, where is Bella?” Verona asked us. “Her uncle just took her to McDonalds for a treat” Rose told her. “Well am I ok to wait till she arrives? How long will they be?” I pulled out my phone to ring Jasper, not before telling her I would call to find out.

“Daddy?” Ah Jasper must be driving. “Hey princess, how long you going to be, Verona’s here waiting for you” she was quiet for a second. “Who’s Verona?” Ah she must not remember. “She’s the woman who made sure you was ok to live with us princess” I could hear Jasper explain in the background. “Oh I remember, were on our way back now, we should be a couple more minutes” I smiled, Jasper’s going the speed limit. “Ok Princess, Love you” “Love you too daddy” I put the phone down and explain to Verona what was said.

True to their word, they were exactly 3 minutes. “Ah Isabella, haven’t you grown” Bella smiled sheepishly before sitting on my knee eating her disgusting McDonalds. “Oh daddy, I got the cheeseburger you asked for” Bella smiled at me mischievously. She’s done that on purpose knowing I can throw it back up until Verona’s left. “Thanks Princess” I told her. “Ok, well I have something important to tell you” Verona told us, with a nod of our head she carried on. “Well Bella’s father had another child with another woman a couple of years before Isabella was born” Bella looked at the lad up and down, I noticed they both looked a-like. “I guess this must be my brother?” Bella asked her. “Yes he is 16 years old nearly 17, his name is Rylie Swan. Bella do you remember your birth parents?” Bella looked at me and Rose. “No but does it matter, I love the parents I have now” I pulled her into my chest, Rose had tears that would never fall. “We love you too princess” I told her while Rose said the same. “Yes, they are perfect for you Bella. Why don’t you go and talk to Rylie while I talk to your family?” Bella looked at Jasper with pleading eyes. “Can you come with us please Jay?” He nodded at her, probably not wanting her to be scared. The three of them walked up to Bella’s bedroom while Verona took a deep breath. “Ok, what I wanted to talk to you about is Rylie. How would you both feel adopting Rylie?” I looked at Rose and she had a perfect smile on her face. “What do you think Rose?” I asked her. “I do, but I don’t want to seem like were pushing Bella away” I thought for a second before I looked at Verona. “Can I go get Bella and Rylie please, so we can see what they both think?” I asked her because no matter what my princess always comes first. “Of course”

I went up to Bella’s room and popped my head around the door. “Come down, we all need to talk” Bella got a worried face on and started crying. “They’re taking me away aren’t they?” I walked up to her and picked her up and pinned her to my chest while I walked down stairs, with Jasper and Rylie walking behind me. “Of course were not, you’re my princess you will always be my princess. Nobody is taking you anywhere” I told her.

“Aww baby, what’s wrong?” Rose asked even though she could hear everything. Bella jumped straight in to Rose’s arms. “Please don’t let them take me mum” Bella was hysterical. “Oh sweet pea, no one’s taking you” Rose told her while giving her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

“Ok, Isabella I’ve been talking to your parents. How do you feel around Rylie?” Verona asked her when she calmed down. “I don’t know I only met him a while ago. He said he can remember spending weekends at my birth parents’ house and we use to make mud pies together, but I can’t really remember” Bella told her while looking at Rylie. “How would you feel if your mum and dad adopted him?” Bella stiffened. “What and I leave?” Bella whispered. “No, you’ll stay here with your family, but your mum and dad adopt Rylie as well, this way you get to know your brother” Jay looked at me and nodded, why? I don’t know.

“I guess I wouldn’t mind, it would be nice to have some other kids around here with these old fogies” Bella chuckled, well in fact we all laughed at her, happy she wasn’t upset anymore. “Are you sure sweet pea, I don’t want you to feel like you’re not important” Rose asked her. “He’s my brother, I need to get to know him, and like I said it would be nice to have someone my age in this house your all what hundred years old” Bella laughed, we all laughed along with her, she was right of course we are over hundred years old.  “Hey I’m not that old princess” I told her, which made her start laughing again. Jasper had a smile across his face, knowing his mate his happy again.

Bella and Rylie went upstairs while me and Rose signed the adoption papers, that is how Rylie Swan became Rylie Cullen. 

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