Chapter 21

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"Will you keep still" Aunt Alice snapped. "I'm sorry, I'm so excited" Aunt Alice and mum rolled their eyes. "You'll never get down stairs to marry Jasper if you don't keep still so we can get you ready" I sat still straight away. "That's better" Mum told me.

"Do you need any help?" Sophia asked popping her head around the door. "Wow" I whispered more to myself, she's being a right bitch to me ever since we found out about James and his newborns. "Sure, will you go in to Bella's wardrobe and get the garment bag" Sophia nodded and headed into my wardrobe.

"Knock, knock" I heard Uncle Eddie coming in to the room, covering his eyes. "Everyone decent" After everyone mumbled a yes; he looked at me and smiled. "I come baring gifts" I raised my eyebrow. "These are from that man of yours" I nodded at him and took the present and letter from him.


Words can't describe how happy I am that in a few minutes you'll be walking down the aisle to me looking like an angel — my angel.

The present what I have given you is a tradition from my human family, every memory I have I remember my mother wearing one.

I love you soon to be Bella Whitlock.

Yours for eternity Jasper x

I opened the present and a name tag bracelet with Mrs Whitlock engraved on the front and on the back Eternity had been engraved. My hand went over my mouth. "Wow" I whispered. "His he here?" I asked Uncle Eddie.

"Yes, but you're staying in here missis" Aunt Alice snapped. "I have to go see him" I told. "No you need to get in to your dress, you'll see him soon" Uncle Eddie told me before heading out of the room.

After Aunt Alice and mum helped me in to my dress their eyes was full of tears that would never fall. "Oh you look gorgeous" Mum whispered. "Thanks mum" I told her hugging her. Mum put my bracelet on that Jasper had given me.

"Are we ready?" Daddy asked coming in to the room, but stood still with his jaw hanging looking at me. "Wow, you look like a princess" I smiled. My dress was a fitted strapless dress with diamantes all-over it and dragged along the floor. I loved it.

"Thanks daddy. Is it time?" I asked him. "Of course" I smiled. "We'll see you down there princess" Mum told me, Aunt Alice and Char was my bridesmaids and my mum was my chief bridesmaid.

Mum, Char and Aunt Alice headed down the aisle first then me and daddy followed. As soon as my eyes found Jasper, everyone else disappeared, the only person who mattered was Jasper. The smile on his face let me know he loved my dress, aswel as the gasps coming from everyone else. Daddy kissed my cheek before giving Jasper my hand. "Look after my princess" Daddy told him before standing next to Peter — Jasper's best man.

I tuned out everyone else and just looked into Jasper's eyes. "Bella the first day I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would change my life for the better, and you did. Everything you did, the way you moved, I knew I was love struck, Everything that is mine is now yours. I promise I would do anything for you. I promise to respect, love and care for you every day. I promise to be there through the good and the bad times. I promise these today and forever" I had venom in my eyes.

"Jasper, you've always being my best friend, you've always being there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on, made me laugh when I was in a bad mood. I promise you that I will be with you every step you take no matter where that takes us. I promise to love and cherish everything about you. I promise to be by your side in everything life throws our way. I promise to love you every day. I promise these today and forever" Jasper squeezed my hand.

"Jasper, do you take Isabella Cullen to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Grandad asked him. "I do." Jasper slipped the ring on to my finger, before Grandad turned to be. "Do you Isabella Cullen take Jasper Whitlock to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I slipped the ring on to Jaspers finger. "I do"

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. Jasper you may kiss your bride" He pulled me towards him and claimed my mouth, everyone else were forgotten. "Ladies and gentleman, it's a great honour to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Jasper Whitlock"

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