Chapter 11

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Life has being amazing these past two years. We all welcomed Victoria with opened arms, as long as she treated Rylie how he deserves, we’re not bothered. She’s a really nice woman when you get to know her. She has the gift of evasion, she can keep herself out of danger, no matter what she will always get away, to me that’s an impressive gift, I wouldn’t mind it myself.

Uncle Edward arrived back home a couple of weeks after Victoria moved in with us, he arrived back home a fresh new man, he had his mate – Sophia, she can see your past if she touches you, pretty amazing, but probably annoying if you can’t control it. Uncle Edward isn’t a prude anymore; in fact he lets out his own jokes and even joins me and dad with our pranks on the rest of the family. It’s amazing to see the difference in him, welcoming even. He doesn’t play his sad depressing songs anymore. Thank god!

Me and Jasper are still struggling to keep our instincts down when were in the lustful moment, but we’re getting there. Slowly. We are all currently living in Detroit, Michigan, we’ve lived here for a year now and we’ve all settled in perfectly, we’re all attending high school including Victoria and Sophia. It’s their first time attending school since their change so there playing as juniors along with Uncle Edward, Rylie and Aunt Alice, while me Jasper, mum and dad are playing as seniors because there’s so many of us we all wear contacts so the humans don’t get suspicious, especially when humans never have gold eyes and instead of buying food and wasting it, Sophia came up with a perfect plan – to put blood into flasks and act as if it’s soup, it doesn’t make us look like we’re starving ourselves, she’s a genius.

“Bells” Dad said trying to get my attention. “Yeah?” I asked him, but I knew what he wanted, and honestly I was giddy. “Let’s nip out” I nodded and jumped on his back. “Wait, I’m coming” Edward interrupted us. “Not a chance Eddie, this is a father and daughter talk” I stuck my tongue out at Uncle Edward, who growled. “Now, now Uncle Eddie” I laughed at the shock on his face, I’ve never called him that. “That’s my girl” Daddy laughed before running out in to the woods.


Their up to something, probably one of their pranks, god help whoever it’s aimed at. When those two get together they come up with the craziest ideas ever, sometimes they don’t always do pranks they ruin the house- for example get their motorbikes on the room and see who can do the most flips in the air. Yeah, you get why we all groan when they ‘nip out’.

“What they up to Edward?” Rose asked him, “He was blocking his thoughts, and like usual I couldn’t get anything from Bella” Everyone looked at Alice, she tried looking to see if she could see anything. “Bella’s blocked them” We all groaned, It’s going to be bad.

“We’re just going to have to be careful” Sophia warned us, she really hates it when she’s the one they aim the prank at, they’ve done some cruel stuff to her bless her. She’s had hair dye put into her shampoo, so she’s walked out of the bathroom with green hair before, along with having holes cut in to her clothes. They have no idea when it’s too far, but if they didn’t do their pranks, things would be boring around here, so it’s our own entertainment.

They arrived back about 3 hours later, with big smiles on their faces, but they didn’t say anything, they just joined in our conversations, like they haven’t being out for 3 hours planning their prank. It’s going to big, whatever it is.

Later that night, I tried to get Bella to spill the beans but she refused big time. No matter what I did to her or didn’t do. We all went to school, still waiting for this prank.

It wasn’t until we all headed to the cafeteria when we realised Bella and Emmett were nowhere to be seen. “Anything yet Aunt Alice?” Rylie asked her. “Nope” She told him popping the ‘p’. Rylie groaned. “Their lethal with their pranks mum, you need to stop them” Rylie told Rose, just loud enough for us vampires.

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