Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe it, me and Emmett might become parents, it's the only thing I hated about been a vampire; not been able to have children. I hate the way we found Bella; it's nothing a child has to see. Hopefully she won't remember it.

"Ah Rose, Emmett. Please follow me" Carlisle told us when he met us at the reception. We followed him in to a little room where I could hear Bella crying. As soon as she saw me and Emmett she stopped crying, and put her arms out towards me. The woman who was holding her handed her over to us.

"My name is Verona. Your father told me you would like to adopt Isabella as your own daughter" I was confused. "Isabella, do you mean Bella?" Carlisle answered me this time. "We found out her birth name is Isabella Marie Swan and was born September 13th 1987" I nodded at him. "Yes when we saw her, I just couldn't stop myself from falling in love with her" I answered her honestly. "And what about you Emmett" Verona asked him. I wasn't expecting the answer he gave her. "Honestly, she's already my little princess. I would do anything for her. She already holds a big part of my heart" He told her while playing with Bella's hands, I was surprised that she was completely quiet through the whole conversation. It was like she was listening to the whole conversation. "We would love for you both to adopt her, but we would come out on visits for the first two weeks to see how she's settling" I was about to answer her when Bella's little voice interrupted me. "I.. wan...t...b... wih... momma" It was so cute. "Well I think we have our answer" Verona chuckled.

After signing the paper work, we were able to leave the hospital with Bella. Carlisle had just finished work when we were leaving so he drove us home, as me and Emmett ran here. "Thank you dad" I told him with a smile on my face, the resentment I held against him for taking me away from having the chance to have a child, was totally washed away. I had an eternity to spend with my family and my daughter, life couldn't get any better.


I could feel it in my chest before any of us heard her heartbeat. Bella was home, she was now a Hale. Looks like, I'll have to change my name back to Whitlock. "That'll be a good idea" Edward told me after reading my thoughts. I was amazed how at Edward and Alice was that I had found my mate, and theirs was still out there or not born yet.

"I'd like you all to meet Isabella Marie Cullen" Rose told us all. "Why aren't you using Hale?" I asked a bit shocked. "Well we talked it over we wanted her to look up to Carlisle and Esme as her grandparents, and that way you can keep Hale without her asking questions" Rose answered me while sitting down with Bella. I could tell that I loved this child with everything I had in me. I would do anything she asked of me, I couldn't wait to start our eternity together, but for now, I'll just be like her best friend.

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