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We ended up staying at mine and daddy’s meadow for an hour until Aunt Alice text me to let me know it was safe to head back. As soon as I walked in the house I was pounced on by Aunt Alice. “We have to go shopping Bella, your room still as everything in from when you first moved in” I laughed at her. “I want to see it first” She laughed and nodded.

We all headed upstairs into my room, I looked around and it had cream walls with pictures of us all together but next to my bed there was a picture that caught my eye. It was a picture of me and Jazz when I was younger, I was sat on his lap laughing at him and we looked like two goofy idiots. “I remember that” Jazz whispered in my ear. “I had just finished tickling you, and you were laughing your little head off. Alice sneaked in and took the picture” I smiled and picked the picture frame up and rubbed my finger along mine and Jasper’s faces.

“I have loads of pictures of you both together, on my laptop. I’ll get them printed for you both, there starting from when Rose and Emmett adopted you” Alice told us from the doorway. “Thanks Aunt Alice” I smiled at her and looked around my room. “Baby Andrew” I whispered and walked over to the toy doll that was sat in the pushchair mum had gotten me. “I remember you getting him” Jazz laughed, before carrying on. “He came dressed in girls clothes, so your Aunt Alice designed loads of new clothes for you to dress him in, but when you wanted to change him, we soon realised he wasn’t a girl at all but a boy, we was all shocked but it was funny as hell at your face” By now the rest of the family was in the room. “I have to admit Bells; you sure were a little cutie from all of these pictures I’ve seen of you” Peter told me while laughing. “Of course I was, I was a stunner” I laughed at him.

“Come on lets go downstairs before we go shopping” Alice told me dragging me downstairs. “I’ve missed you Aunt Alice, but I don’t appreciate being dragged about like a doll” I mumbled, but she didn’t even acknowledge me, she still dragged me downstairs.

“So we need to get a bed and wardrobe and all that, then clothes for Bella and all of us. Xavier’s decided to move in with us and change to our diets” Alice announced. “If the Major can do it, I’m sure I can” Xavier told us with a shrug of his shoulders. “It’s just Jasper Xavier, no one calls me major anymore, unless he comes out” Jasper told him. “Unless were having a good old fuc-“ I couldn’t finish what I was going to say because I had a hand over my mouth, I looked at who the hand belonged to and noticed it was daddy. “I do not want to hear about my daughters sex live thank you very much” I smiled at him. “Sorry daddy” He nodded. “Come on then Bella” Alice told me jumping up and down.

No one came with us, they all said we should go alone and spend time together like we used to. It’s strange being back in Forks it’s like my childish side as come out a lot more, all the memories I had growing up in the house were coming back, and it reminded me of how much my family love me and how much I love them, they might not be my biological family but they were my family no matter who gave birth to me.


As soon as Bella and Alice was out and driving down the driveway in Alice’s car that we had shipped here when we came back, we all turned and looked at Xavier. “Just a few warnings Xavier, break my sisters heart or hurt any of our family, I will do what I should of done years ago for escaping Maria” I told him, he nodded his head no even arguing on the subject. “If I hurt Alice I’d come to you personally to kill me” I nodded at him, but I was kind of surprised at his answer and if I was being honest I was happy with his answer.

“Ok so now that’s out of the way, me and Char are going to head off” Peter told us, I nodded at him. “Tell Bells we’ll see her soon. Oh and good luck” That was the last thing he said before him and Char were running out of the house. “What the hell did he mean by ‘good luck’?” Rose asked me. “I don’t know” I told her while shrugging my shoulders.

We all sat in the living room watching TV, about 3 hours later Alice came back but without Bella, she was feeling all panicky. “I’ve lost Bella” Alice shrieked as she ran in to the house looking distraught. “What do you mean you lost her” I growled at her. “I was looking around Ikea when all of a sudden she was gone, I can’t even see her in any of my visions” I felt my chest and there was nothing there that made me feel like she was in danger. “Ok let’s all split up and look for her, but Alice couldn’t you follow her scent.” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Of course I did, but It stops in the middle of the car park at Ikea” I nodded, but deep down I was starting to worry about my mate, what the hell is going on?

We all headed off to different places in town trying to find her scent, but nothing. I was the first to arrive home after three hours of looking for her, and there she was sat on the floor in front of a new TV and games console with a new sofa, basically the house looked like everything was brand new. “What the hell?” I asked her completely shocked. “Oh Hi Jazz” She didn’t even take her eyes off of the game she was playing. “Where have you being?” I asked her. “Well I went shopping with Aunt Alice and we ended up getting new stuff for the house, all what’s left to do is decorate” She shrugged her shoulders. “Alice told us she lost you” I told her. “That were so you would all go out so I could surprise you all, wait till daddy see’s the collection of games I got us, there’s every game out” I let my breath out, she was perfectly fine, but Alice as some explaining to do.

I phoned everyone and told them I found her at home, they were all relived to know she was perfectly fine but when they walked in, they were shocked. “Wow” Esme whispered. “Do you like it Nanna?” Bella asked her hopefully. “I love it sweet pea” She smiled. “Is that the new X-box?” Emmett asked. “Yep, look what else I got” She told him before opening a cabinet that was in the room, and inside was ever Xbox game you could think of, she then open another cupboard and there was a guitar and drums for guitar hero, there were even the mixing tablet for Dj Hero, she put a lot in to this.

“It’s amazing Bella, but why did you do it?” Carlisle asked her. “I thought it was the only way I could say thanks” She shrugged her shoulders. “What for?” I asked her confused. “For mum and dad adopting me, and you all accepting me even if I was a clumsy human back then” I pulled her against my chest, we ended up having a group hug. “There’s no need for thanks princess, as soon as me and your mum saw you we knew right then and there we would love you like our own” Emmett told her before clapping his hands together. “Let’s go play” She nodded and smiled at him. She truly was thankful that we accepted her, but we wouldn’t have it anyway. Bella was made for this family. She made us whole again.

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